I Hate This Pain

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(Warning ⚠️ Mention About Brutal Murder)
"I know my omega is a wonder; his beauty forces everyone to be astonished, but this wonder is mine, This beauty belongs to me" jungkook said to guard mockingly. Guard started trembling in fear as he noticed Death himself is mocking him.

"Do not get scared of me, guard. I am not blaming you for getting aroused by my Jimin; no, not at all. You are not at fault, but your eyes-those eyes of yours dared to see my omega's beauty are at fault. and your courageous heart is at fault, it dared to desire the omega who is out of your reach and on to of that belongs to me." hahaha. "I don't like it if someone else, even dream about my omega; nah, never; it hurts me here in my heart. I hate this pain. I hate to feel the pain if it is in my head or in my heart;" Jungkook said this to the guard while patting his hand over his heart. Without saying even a word, the guard fell to Jungkook's feet with his hands folded.

"I made a big mistake King, please forgive me, I am so lowly. slap...

I am a bastard, slap...

This is my first mistake forgive me, Great King. Slap...

my mistake slap... King.

Look King I am punishing myself




King, spare my life I have a family to take care and children to raise," Guard is crying and begging infront of Emperor to spare his life continuesly. Jungkook is not talking but he is looking at the guard without any expression on his face with his dark gazes and a demonic smile plastered on his lips no reaction over the mercy begging his behaviour is like a deaf persons, guards voice isn't reaching to his ears. He is sitting on a nearby chair. Guard is sitting front of him on his knees and crying loudly. Jungkook bent a little towards him and held his neck in his death grip and started choking him hard.

'Tell me what I have to do with your eyes, for watching my omega, even my eyes are yearning just to witness his sightings. And here you, you are enjoying the view and filling your eyes and heart with my omega's ethereal beauty. THESE EYES COMMITTED CRIME, NO, NOT CRIME BUT SIN , NOW TELL ME WHAT SHOULD I HAVE TO DO WITH THESE SINNER EYES?" Jungkook asked in screaming.

"Kihng kingh, forgive me. I am apologizing for my mistake." Guard pleaded for forgiveness while suffocating in Jungkook's hold. He is repeating for forgiveness in his choked voice because Jungkook has tightened his grip on his neck so tightly while choking him brutally. Jungkook stood up the chair and stabbed the guard's eyes with one small knife. He stabbed in both of the guard's eyes brutally and pulled out them out of eye's sockets. aaaahhhhhhh king ah ah ah guard screamed in pain.

Namjoon was walking through the corridor to meet Jungkook, but when he heard someone screaming too loud, he ran towards the left corner tower. He saw how Jungkook had pulled out Guard's eyes. Only two holes are visible on his face; flesh is about to come from those holes. His whole face is covered with blood. Jungkook noticed Namjoon's presence...

"Namjoon give me your dagger." Jungkook ordered Namjoon, as at present, Jungkook only has that knife, but Namjoon was wearing his dagger on his waist. Without wasting a minute, Namjoon handed over his dagger to Jungkook.

aahhhh "King, spare my life, have mercy, atleast think about my children." ahhhhhhn. I have already paid the cost of my deeds with my eyes. Ah, king, spare me."

"yes, i will spare your life, but before that please let me see your heart, I must say your heart is very courageous dared to feel and desire for my omega, my wedded omega." Jungkook said it in very calm voice giving a vibe of creep and left the guard from his hold. guard fell to the ground with a thud. Emperor Jungkook saluted him like a soldier.

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