Not My Alpha

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It's been one month of marriage. Ji-yoo and Jungkook are both living nicely. Every nigh both use have physical relationship like a newly married couple. Jungkook has knotted her up during his ruts. Ji-yoo is one week pregnant with his kid. He is really happy for this pregnancy, and soon he will be a father. Today is the last day here in this bordering palace. He has already finished all the tribal rebel attackers, and now there is peace in this area. Tomorrow is the day when he will have to leave for the castle. Jungkook missed Jimin a lot during this period and It's really hurts Ji-Yoo so bad to see her husband missing his first mate. Even she is doing everything to make Jungkook happy so that he doesn't need to miss Jimin fulfilling all his needs. But for Jungkook, both the Omegas are his life partners, and both deserve the same treatment. He already told Ji-yoo to respect and love Jimin because he is younger and a bit childish. Ji-yoo agreed with everything in front of him, but from inside, she always feels jealous whenever her husband talks about Jimin. She has already decided to remove Jimin from his life because the king only belongs to her.

At The Castle.
Right now, Jimin is weaving a garland to welcome Jungkook; he is running here and there in his room. He is chirping and in a very happy mood. After five months, his husband is returning to the castle, and he is dying to his face. Taehyung is also preparing to welcome his husband; both the omegas are too happy.
Jimin was in his room when he heard the announcement of Jungkook's arrival. He came running fast to see his husband, and now he is standing in front of the door holding a garland to welcome him. First he saw his husband's face, and a smile appeared on his lips. His beautiful face bloomed like a fresh flower. when his eyes fell on the left side of the emperor. One female omega is standing with his Alpha, almost attaching herself to him.

Why is she standing beside him on this side? As per custom that side only belongs to a life partner. It should be just me in left of him. Jimin thinking it to himself. His smile dropped at the same moment. Ji-yoo is attaching herself to Jungkook, trying to prove to everyone that she is the emperor's wife. Everyone has to bow down in respect for her.
Jungkook's mother is also curious to know who this female omega is with her son, standing at the place that belongs to Jimin.

"who this omega girl is." Mother Queen asked politely.

"Mother, welcome her; she is my wife, your daughter-in-law." Jungkook said with a smile on his face:

When Jimin heard it, he felt a strong pang in his heart. His heart is beating faster, and he is trying to process what he heard, which may be wrong. Maybe my ears have problems listening to things that are wrong. He put his first finger into his ear and rubbed it like he was cleaning the ear properly. To make sure he didn't hear wrong, he again asked his alpha. "A- alpha What you said—can you repeat my humble request, King?." "Queen omega Jimin, she is my wife. Ji-yoo, come forward and welcome my omega." Jungkook replied with a happy face that he is expecting that Jimin will also act like his mother welcomed his stepmother. Jimin is scared now. His fear of losing his husband comes true. His legs started feeling weak, but he still managed to stand. He wants to scream and cry. His innocent heart is broken into pieces seeing his husband with some other omega. But he is standing straight; he doesn't know from where he got the strength not to react at this sensitive moment. He doesn't know who is giving him strength not to breakdown in front of everyone. He is not reacting. just looking at his husband with cold stares.

Jungkook's mother felt hurt; she never imagined that her son-in-law would have to face the same situation that she had gone through previously when her husband  Jungkook's father married two young omegas. His son did the same with his omega. She is feeling the pain and wants to deny this relationship so badly. but she can't.

"Jimin, welcome your husband," she said with a heavy heart and heavy voice.

Jimin has to welcome Jungkook and his new omega wife by putting the garland around his neck. Jungkook is waiting for his first omega to come forward and welcome him along with his new wife.

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