Saviour Ritual

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Park's Kingdom
Next day when Jimin's family arrived at home. Mingyu watched them from afar from the palace corridor, and he himself had decided not to attend the marriage; he didn't want to be a mute witness and participant in Jimin's ruination. Jimin is his childhood friend, and he knows how innocent he is. Mingyu is a wise alpha who understands omegas; he never considered them objects. According to Mingyu, all omegas are humans, and as equals to alphas, they should be given equal rights to live like humans, not like beautiful objects. He came running fast towards Jimin's brother and mother just to ask about Jimin.

"How is Jimin?" He asked his first question. Jimin's father and brother left without replying because both were feeling sad. But Jimin's mother stopped to reply to him; she knows what Jimin means to Mingyu.

"He is very good and happy." Jimin's mother replied

 Hah, "really, mother, are you saying this after handing over your own omega son to some random alpha just to rape him? When an omega doesn't know the meaning of marriage, for him, marriage is like a doll-playing game; he even doesn't know the responsibility of marriage, and you marry him to an older alpha just because you people think he is emperor and powerful, just because of his highest Status." Mingyu mocked Park Bora.

 "stop mingyu I consider you like my own son, but that doesn't mean you can talk to me like this." Bora raised objection. "You don't know worldliness; that is how it works out in society. Jimin is not the only omega who got married; every reputed omega has to get marry one day so stop your nonsense." park Bora scolded Mingyu for talking like this. Mingyu stopped at his place while Bora left, leaving him behind. He can feel his friend going through the pain. But whatever he can do, he can't do anything.

At Jeon's Castle, Jungkook's Chamber,
The whole night, Jimin wasn't able to sleep. Jungkook only let him sleep early in the morning. Jungkook is the first one to wake up. He saw beside him. His beautiful omega is sleeping peacefully, covered with red marks all over his body. Dark hickeys on his neck and red, swollen nipples. red, swollen lips. He is feeling proud that his omega has marks all over his body made by him. His omega is the cutest and most beautiful omega he has ever seen in his entire life. He is a cruel emperor; whatever he did with Jimin, he is not even a bit ashamed of it.

"My cute, beautiful Omega sleep well; you need rest. You made your alpha very happy." Jungkook was talking to sleeping Jimin before leaving the chamber, he planted a soft kiss on his forehead. He is feeling proud of himself for manhandling his own Omega-like toy.

At Fighting Practice Ground

Now Jungkook is practicing fighting with many fighters in the royal practice area. He never stops himself from practicing because he believes practice makes man perfect. That's why he is a skilled fighter and skilled at using different weapons. Right now, he is fighting with some fighters. Opposition fighters are also replying aggressively. In this practice area, Jugkook is not an emperor; he is just a fighter for them. Namjoon is also practicing with them, and all the other alphas are around them watching it, like they are enjoying some game. Most of the royal officers and alphas are available here while the omegas are working in the kitchen preparing food for their alphas.

Again At Jungkook's Chamber

Jimin is still sleeping. Jungkook's mother and Taehyung came to Jimin's chamber to wake him up and to collect the used bedsheet of their first night. which will be displayed in front of all the reputed omegas as proof that the omega was virgin. This is a tradition of collecting used bedsheets from couples during their first night as a proof of virginity. It's very saddening that society asks for virginity proof from omegas. but alphas are free to do anything. Somewhere, the omegas are not united, influenced, or agreed upon by the rules made by the alphas. According to tradition, if the first night's bed sheet is not stained with blood, that means omegas are not virgins. As a result, society punishes them for being characterless omegas. The Alpha husband, who has power, may annul the marriage and throw Omega out of the house. Parents also don't accept such omegas because it makes their heads hang low in front of society; they have to take the punishment if they accept their omegas for this crime

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