Emperor's Hunger

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After 7 Months
Jungkook has stopped sleeping with other omegas. He tried many times to sleep to feed his hunger whenever he was outside for battle, but he could not find any omega capable enough to satisfy his sexual needs. It's only Jimin who can satisfy him; his omega is unique, he is so caged by his beauty, not letting him even think about other omegas. He never found anyone attaractive and beautiful other than his omega. Every night, Jungkook wants Jimin in his bed. Jimin is giving himself to his alpha husband happily; he is in love with his husband way too much now. Jimin is not aware that Jungkook has tried to sleep with other omegas; according to him, his husband loves only him. He is in a beautiful dreamworld. living his life happily. Whenever Jungkook comes back from the battlefield, he always welcomes him with a happy face and makes love with him whenever his husband asks for it.

The emperor's hunger for land acquisition is increasing day by day, and he is attacking those kings who are not ready to accept his hegemony. Along with that, Jungkook's cruelty is also increasing day by day; he is killing people on the battlefield mercilessly, and if someone tries to go against him by deceit or betray him, he is putting sedition charges on them and hanging them till death. There is only one punishment for sedition, and that is death. He wants to conquer South Asia. After defeating the emperor of South Asia, he wants to unite all his states into one empire; he only wants to establish his rule over the whole of Asia, for which he will have to get that disputed state first.

At The Castle
Jimin and Taehyung are both ready to welcome their husbands because today they are returning from the battlefield after conquering the north-east part of Aisa.
"How am I looking?" Taehyung asked Jimin for the tenth time. He is feeling nervous; it always happens to him whenever his husband comes back from the battlefield. He wants to look presentable and beautiful in his eyes.

same with Jimin; today he took much
time to get ready for his alpha and wanted to look beautiful in front of his husband. In one month, Jimin is going to complete his seventeen years of age, and with each passing year, his beauty is increasing. Both omegas are walking back and forth in the front corridor, from where they can see that their husbands are coming.

"Jimin Can you stop moving back and forth? By walking like this your Alpha is not going to appear in front of you all of a Sudden." Taehyung scolded Jimin because both collided with each other while walking back and forth in the corridor, waiting desperately for their husbands arrival.

"Same here, friend; you can also stop moving back and forth like this. With this general, will also not appear in front of you right now on the spot." Jimin complained back to Taehyung.

Both are beckring with each other. Suddenly, they heard the announcement of the emperor's arrival. They saw that. Both the alphas are coming towards the entrance.

Jimin and Taehyung are both running fast to reach the door to welcome their husbands. Pure happiness can be seen on their faces. Now Taehyung welcomed Namjoon by putting garland around his neck, and Jimin also welcomed Jungkook by putting garland around his neck. How desperately both the omegas want to touch and hug their husbands, but they can't. It will be considered disrespectful to show affection publicly. Omegas can't hug or touch their alphas in public because it will be considered shameless behavior. Omegas should live in the realm of shame.
Both Jungkook and Namjoon look at their omegas with a straight face; there are no emotions. Now omegas are habitual with this behavior of their alphas.
After having dinner, Namjoon is playing with both of his kids. Taehyung is watching him play with the kids, feeling so happy to watch his husband after two months. When Namjoon was busy playing with his kids, one of the pups held cloth in his little fist from his father's chest. The cloth moved from there, and now his chest is on display. Taehyung saw that. His husband's whole chest is full of dark red hickeys, like someone ate him with so much desperation. Taehyung felt hurt; his heart is broken now. Without saying a word, he leaves the place where his husband and kids are playing. Namjoon noticed it.

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