Part 2

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   Jennifer's pov :

 Since the age of 4 i've been homeschooled and tomorrow i' m going to hogwarts for the first time . I will join the six year . I was very nervous . My older brothers were telling me that it was an amazing place where everyone was gonna respect me cuz i was from a royal family and cuz a was a vampire . When i meet witches or wizards from others kingdoms they were always like " the sun does kill u ? " like wtf but it was real that garlic was like poison for us vampires . When i was 8 i was just walkig and descovering the Grimwood's castle . When i foud a box of weird little white things . In the bow was written Vegetables so I ate one of them . When I ate it my brown eyes turned red then I felt a burning sensation in my throat then I passed out . My parents the queen and the king of Vesperia and the queen and the king of Trinslenia took care of me . The Trinslenia king and queen were the best friends of my parents. Madam Elisabeth the queen had a child with someone when the child was born she disappeared for four years . When she came back , the dark lord murdered her . It was a painful loss for all of us . And nobody know where the child was .

  Today I was going to London then directly to the school . Then plan was : the castel , the airport and then Hogwarts . 13 fucking hours in the air then directly a school . I usually don't and can't sleep in airplanes or jets but whatever .

 I went down stairs and saw my mother cooking breakfast . She often do that instead of the maids . Ok

- " Morning mamma "

- " Morning mia cara . " She said with a strong italien accent

- What are u cooking ?

-Pancakes .     My favourite breakfast

 I kissed her forehead and sat down in the living room . I took my phone and opened Instagram to see it filled with my bestfriend's textes . Her name was Naomi . She was my bestfrind since i was born . I loved her so much she always cared about me and supported me . She was a muggle born but she wasn't at hogwarts but at dumdtrang . She very kind tho , never drunk , perfect like my parents would say

Her : Is it true ???!! you're going to the U.K !!!! Fucking bitch

Me : Yes ,i am but we still and will be bestfriends


me : love u see u 

   Then i put my favourite serie on the TV : vampire diaries . Then my mom walked in with my pancakes

-grazie , sembra delizioso .     I said


 Then she probably went to prepare my brothers's breakfast . After an episode  of the serie i took my macbook and started working on my new song . In the wizarding world I was a princess, the princess of Vesperia, one of the biggest and most powerful kingdoms. In the muggle worl I was a singer and I loved it , it was my hobby. Then my brother Kevin , known as kev in the family , came . 
- Hey sis excited?
- Yeah sort of
- Don't worry i'll be there to make sure everything is perfect.
- What ?
- Ur room and ur studio
- And u can use ur phone everywhere but in classes
  I heard my mom saying something from the kitchen probably "language no bad words" I hugged my brother and thanked him .
  Then I went up to my room to take the things that weren't in the suitcases that were sent to Hogwarts yesterday.
I packed my mac , my iPhone cases ( this story is in 2023 ) ,my iPad , my headphones ect

I packed my mac , my iPhone cases ( this story is in 2023 ) ,my iPad , my headphones ect

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My vampire (jennifer salazar and matteo riddle)Where stories live. Discover now