Part 15

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Matteo told me that we had a meeting about both of us , like wtf . I'm scared . But i know that Matteo will be there to protect me . I mean i hope so or i'll use a knife on him . I can be badass sometimes , especially when i want to . 

My heart is pounding do hard right now , me and matteo were in front of the dining room hand in hand , until he moved his hand up to my waist and then down to my hip .

I seriously don't know why the fuck Bellatrix and my mother to not forced me to wear this thing they just could have sent me naked totally , why not ? 

the dress

'Matteo, can I please not go with that or i'll end up murdering someone , especially if it's this fucking damn bitch of bellatrix , and u fucking agreed , i mean send me naked ,why not ? u nearly don't giv-'

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'Matteo, can I please not go with that or i'll end up murdering someone , especially if it's this fucking damn bitch of bellatrix , and u fucking agreed , i mean send me naked ,why not ? u nearly don't giv-'

my shouts turned into a yelp when matteo slapped my ass harshly , making me enter to the room . 

Some deatheates beggan eying me up and down before keeping their head down when they saw matteo . Quite interesting to be the dark lord's son's girlfriend . I felt some sweaty , cold hand on my shoulder , i quickly turned around only to see the last person i wanted to see , fucking bellatrix lestrange ( she isn't matteo's mom btw ) 

' why aren't u wearing the heels i gave u ' she barked

' because they are us ugly as u , fucking damn bitch , i mean do you need fucking fashion lesson's , do u think that a neon yellow ugly heels will be pretty on a princess , u fucking dumbass '

And just as everyone was not looking at us , matteo slapped me on my ass , making me yelp . 

' u bi-'

He interrupted me by lifting me and putting me on his shoulder as a gasp escaped my lips . I began kicking and telling him to let me go , only earning another slap . He turned around facing Bellatrix .

' and for u don't u ever dare disrespect her or u'll regret it ' he declared

The ugly bitch bented down and once matteo turned away toward our seats , me still on his shoulder , i stuck my tongue out just to annoy her .

Then he put me on my chair , warned methen i waited and waited and waited and waited to this meeting to come to an end .


This meeting is about me and matteo l, my ass

Matteo and I were still in that goddamn dining room, surrounded by Death Eaters. My heart was racing so fast I thought it might just explode. Matteo stood beside me, his hand squeezing mine a little too tightly. I glanced at him, and he had this stupid smirk on his face. Ugh, of course, he'd be enjoying this.Voldemort's cold voice cut through the room like a knife. "Jennifer, Matteo, step forward." My legs felt like jelly, but I somehow managed to take a step, Matteo practically dragging me along."I have decided," Voldemort announced, "that Jennifer Salazar will marry my son, Matteo Riddle. This union will strengthen our legacy and ensure our future."My heart sank. This was it. The nightmare was real.Matteo squeezed my hand again, and I looked up at him. He looked so damn smug, like he had just won the lottery or something. "Matteo, please," I whispered, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. "You can't seriously be okay with this."But he just smirked down at me. "Oh, but I am, Jennifer. I love the idea, actually.""What?" I hissed, trying to keep my voice down. "You can't be serious.""Oh, I am," he said, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I've always wanted you, Jennifer. This just makes it official."I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. This was Matteo—arrogant, infuriating Matteo—actually enjoying this. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face."Jennifer," Voldemort's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Do you understand your duty?"I swallowed hard, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yes, my Lord," I managed to say. "I understand.""Good," he said, his red eyes gleaming. "The wedding will be soon. You will become a Riddle and give us an heir."I felt like I was going to be sick. I glanced around the room, seeing the cold, calculating looks from the Death Eaters, the twisted smiles of Bellatrix and my parents. No one here cared about me, about what I wanted. I was just a pawn in their sick game.Matteo leaned down, whispering in my ear. "This is going to be great, princesss, You'll see."I glared at him, glaring. "You're enjoying this way too much," I snapped."Why shouldn't I?" he replied, his smirk never faltering. "We're going to be together, Jennifer. Isn't that what you want?"I wanted to scream, to cry, to run away from all of this. But I couldn't. I was trapped. Trapped by Voldemort, by my mother, by Matteo. And there was no way out.The meeting continued around us, the voices of the Death Eaters discussing plans and strategies. But I barely heard any of it. All I could think about was how my life was spiraling out of control.Matteo's hand was still gripping mine, his thumb gently stroking the back of my hand. It was almost... comforting, and that made me even angrier. How dare he try to comfort me now, when he was part of the reason I was in this mess?Finally, the meeting ended, and people started to leave. Matteo turned to me, his eyes softening just a bit. "Jennifer, I know you're scared. But we'll make this work. I promise."I pulled my hand away from his, my eyes burning with unshed tears. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Matteo," I said, my voice trembling. "You might think this is all a game, but it's my life. And right now, it feels like it's falling apart."He looked at me, his smirk fading. "Jennifer, I—""Save it," I cut him off. "Just... leave me alone."I turned and walked away, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts and none of them good. I had to find a way out of this. Somehow, I had to take control of my own life again. But as I walked down the dark hallways of the mansion, I couldn't shake the feeling that my choices were slipping away, one by one.

As I stormed down the dimly lit hallway, trying to hold back my tears, a voice called out from behind me. It was cold, commanding, and impossible to ignore.

"Jennifer, Matteo. Come back."

I froze, my heart pounding even harder. Matteo was by my side in an instant, his hand gripping mine once again. He guided me back into the dining room where Voldemort stood, his piercing red eyes locked onto us.

"You two are not dismissed yet," he said, his voice like ice. "There is one more thing we must address."The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to us. the Death Eaters just murmured among themselves."Jennifer, Matteo," Voldemort continued, "step forward."With my heart in my throat, I obeyed, standing beside Matteo as Voldemort approached us. Flickin his wand, he he made apear a silver box. He opened it to reveal two beautiful rings"These rings," Voldemort intoned, "symbolize your union and the strength of our legacy and our blood line. With these, you are now engaged."He handed the way smaller ring to Matteo, who took it with excitement. Then, Voldemort handed the other ring to me. It was beautiful, no denying that, but it felt like a shackle."Matteo, place the ring on her finger," Voldemort commanded.Matteo turned to me, his eyes locking onto mine. For a moment, the world seemed to slow down. He gently took my hand and slipped the ring onto my finger. It fit perfectly, a cold reminder of the chains that bound me."Jennifer," Voldemort said, "now you."With trembling fingers, I took Matteo's hand and placed the ring on his finger. It felt heavy, like it weighed more than just gold.Voldemort smiled, a chilling, triumphant expression. "It is done. You are now officially engaged. Soon, you will marry and secure our future and make our blood line still pure."The room erupted in applause, the sound echoing off the stone walls. Matteo leaned in close, his lips brushing my ear. "See? It's not so bad," he whispered, his tone maddeningly smug.I pulled away, glaring at him. "I'm only doing this because I have no choice."He shrugged, still holding my hand. "Choices or not, Jennifer, this is our reality now. We have to make the best of it." he said gripping my waist and pulling me to a delicate and passionate kiss .


the rings btw

the rings btw

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