Part 22

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Jennifer's POV

Returning to Hogwarts after my disaster shit , I resumed my lessons and tried to act as if everything was normal. It wasn't easy. Three weeks passed, and I found myself eight months along, carefully hiding my growing baby bump under oversized robes.

One sunny afternoon, Pansy and I sneaked away to see the doctor while the others kept Matteo occupied. Nervous , I lay on the examination table as the doctor gently applied the gel and started the ultrasound. My heart raced as I watched the screen, and tears filled my eyes when I saw the tiny, moving figure—the first glimpse of my babie.

Pansy squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Look at your little one, Jen. It's incredible."

The doctor smiled warmly. "Everything looks great. The babies are healthy, and there's no longer any risk."

Babies ?

Relief washed over me. "Really? he's okay?"

The doctor nodded, her eyes kind. "Yes, but there's something else. You're having twins."

Twins. I couldn't believe it. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as I processed the news. "Twins," I repeated in awe, my heart full with happiness.

Pansy hugged me tightly. "You're going to be an amazing mom to twins, Jennifer."

The doctor continued, explaining the challenges of twin pregnancies—more nausea, emotional swings, and anger issues. I listened intently, grateful for the reassurance that this was all normal.

Back at Hogwarts, I showed the ultrasound pictures to my friends, my voice trembling with emotion. "I'm having twins," I announced with tears of joy.

Everyone gathered around, congratulating me . With the boys' help, we decided to surprise Matteo with the ultrasound and a letter written from the twins' perspective, along with a positive pregnancy test. Our room was set up beautifully, waiting his return.

Matteo's POV

Leaving the meeting with the wedding planner, I was mentally exhausted. Thoughts of Jennifer filled my mind as I apparated back to Hogwarts. I needed to see her, to hold her close and know she was safe.

Rushing through the corridors, I couldn't wait to find her. As I approached our room, something caught my eye—a small box on the bed with a letter addressed to me. My heart skipped a beat as I opened it and read the tender words written inside.

The letter, penned as if from our unborn twins, spoke of their excitement to meet their daddy. Inside were the ultrasound images and a positive pregnancy test. I was overcome with emotion, my hands trembling as I took in the reality of what was happening.

Dear Daddy,

We can't wait to meet you! Mommy says you're the best daddy in the whole world, and we believe her. We're so excited to finally see you and be in your arms. We already love you so much, and we know you'll love us too. Thank you for keeping mommy safe. We can't wait to be a family.

Your Twins

"Oh my god," I whispered, tears welling in my eyes. "Twins."

I raced to the Great Hall, my heart bursting with happiness. Spotting Jennifer among our friends, I couldn't contain my joy. As soon as I entered, everyone cheered. I picked her up, her laughter ringing in my ears as her legs wrapped around my waist.

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