Part 13

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Matteo's pov :

We were in the great hall , waiting for the headmaster to arrive . No uniforms were obligated so i wore some black jeans and black pants and my princess well she was driving me crazy wearing this outfit :

 No uniforms were obligated so i wore some black jeans and black pants and my princess well she was driving me crazy wearing this outfit :

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Once she bented down to talk to the girls . Her skirt revealed a sexy red thong underwear . I swear this girl is gonna be the end of me .  I quickly grabbed her waist whispering in her ear " don't bent down or i'm going to fuck u on this table in front of everybody " she went red and sat correctly .

(time skip x jennifer's pov)

" i have some tragic news " dumbledor said " today we found Dean Thomas's dead body n the forbidden forest " 

i put my hand in front of my mouth acting like i was shocked  mumbeling a " finally ". Every table , but the slytherin's , were sobbing or crying or promising to get revenge . The slytherin were quit happy , once i realised that most of them had a smirk i smirked too . 

One girl from the griffindors stood up and pointed at me . Magla Sparks , mudblood , no siblings ,  Bristol house 14 street sweet  , his girlfriend" ( all made up ) .

" she killed him , he sented me a text telling me that he was with her studying " she said tears running down her cheeks 

I smirked and stood up " u know , i could have get him exacuted  I'm a princess , may i remember u , and why would i kill him " 

" why r u smirking then "

" because who ever did it is a genius " i smirked
"Please miss Salazar and miss sparks calm down" barked Snape
I sat down , making Matteo's eyes wild , probably saw my ass again . I'm in trouble .
Yes u definitely r. I heard a voice say . I recognized this voice . Matteo
I can read minds princess and talk with u this way . And all I can say ur not going to be able to walk for days . The same voice said
I blushed hard , very hard , feeling myself wet . I felt a big , warm hand on my thigh , slowly making it way to my inner thigh . I took his hand and moved it higher.
- " You wanna play dirty ? " He demanded with his deep , intimidating voice .
He took my hand making his way to the exit when Dumbledog stopped him .
" Where r u both going ?! Stay still "he fucking barked . Matteo glared at him then returned to his place . But this time I was sitting on his lap , my feet between his .
" This fucking bitch , I swear I wanna torture him to death " he groaned , slowly kissing my neck , making me wanna piss him off more .
" You know today Theodore is really hot , like really . " I lied , I mean he was hot but not as hot as Matteo
" U really want him dead ? "
" What ? No "

Matteo's pov:
I knew she was lying about how hot Theodore was . I didn't need to read her mind to know it . It just was clear .
But she is going to regret it very soon .
I began sucking her neck , marking her as mine . Because she was mine and only mine . Once I reached her sweet spot . She let a slight moan escape her delicious lips . She immediately covered her mouth with her hand . I began being more savage .  I runned my hands on her thigh . Then her waist , gripping her hips .
" You made me crazy wearing this "

My vampire (jennifer salazar and matteo riddle)Where stories live. Discover now