part 8

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I woke up suddenly to the obnoxious sound of my alarm piercing through the room. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I scanned the area, only to find Jennifer sleeping on the couch instead of beside me in bed. Annoyance surged within me at the unexpected sight.

"Why aren't you in bed?" I questioned, my tone sharp with irritation as I approached her.

Jennifer stirred at the sound of my voice, her eyes fluttering open with a hint of apprehension. She stumbled over her words, clearly caught off guard by my presence and displeasure.

With a heavy sigh, I crossed my arms over my chest, my expression stern as I addressed her. "I have rules, Jennifer," I reminded her firmly, leaving no room for argument. "And if you don't follow them, there will be consequences."

I watched her carefully, noting the nervous swallow and the way her eyes avoided mine. She knew what was expected of her, and I had no intention of allowing any deviation.

"Rule one," I began, my voice unwavering. "Never shout at me. Rule two, never attempt to feed on me. Rule three, sleep next to me at all times. And rule four, always respect me and obey my commands without question. And five , the most important , always respect those rules or u'll be severly punished"

Jennifer nodded meekly, her compliance evident. I knew she understood the gravity of the situation and the repercussions of disobedience. It was imperative that she adhere to my rules, no matter how stringent they may seem. Failure to do so would only invite further discipline, and I had no qualms about enforcing it.

As Jennifer emerged from the closet wearing my oversized t-shirt, a plaid high-waisted skirt, and tall boots, my gaze lingered on her hungrily. With a swift motion, I pulled her onto my lap, her questioning gaze meeting mine. "What are you doing?" she inquired, uncertainty evident in her voice.

A smirk played on my lips as I met her gaze with possessiveness. "I'm making sure everyone knows you're already taken," I replied, my voice laced with determination.

I lowered my lips to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses and marking her skin with fervor. Despite her attempts to stifle her moans, her reactions betrayed her as my hands roamed, gripping and squeezing her ass, eliciting shivers of pleasure.

However, when my hand moved towards her panties, Jennifer abruptly stood up, prompting me to furrow my brow in confusion. "What's wrong?" I demanded, annoyance creeping into my voice.

Her sudden outburst caught me off guard as she shouted her response, her words filled with anger and fear. "Yesterday, you stripped away my freedom, tortured my father, and forced me into this relationship! And you dare ask me what's wrong " she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

in a sudden surge of anger, I rose to my feet, my jaw clenched tightly as I shouted at her to never raise her voice at me again. Her words struck a nerve, igniting a fire within me that threatened to consume us both. She trembled with fear, backing away with each step I took, until her back was pressed against the wall.

As I raised my hands in frustration, a surge of panic flashed across her face. She raised her arms defensively, her eyes wide with terror as she turned her head away, anticipating the blow that would never come. Her pleas echoed in the air, mingling with the sound of her tears as they cascaded down her cheeks.

For a moment, I was frozen, stunned by the depth of her fear. And then it hit me like a punch to the gut – her reaction wasn't just about me. It was a reflection of the trauma she had endured, the scars left behind by a lifetime of abuse.

Guilt flooded my chest as I watched her crumble before me, her vulnerability laid bare for all to see. With a heavy sigh, I stepped forward, my anger dissipating as I reached out to gently cup her cheek.

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