Part 19

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Jennifer's POVThe torture never stopped. Time had lost all meaning; every second was filled with agony. The vampires took turns, each one eager to inflict more pain. My body was covered in bruises and cuts, and I felt like I was on the verge of breaking.

The leader stepped into the room, a cruel smile on his face. "Ready for more, princess?"I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "Please, no more. Please..."He laughed, a cold, cruel sound. "Begging won't save you. No one is coming."

He raised his wand and pointed it at me. "Crucio!"

Pain like I had never known coursed through my body. I screamed, my back arching in agony. It felt like my very bones were on fire. They laughed as they tortured me, recording every moment. I begged for them to stop, but it only seemed to amuse them more.

"Please, no more," I sobbed. "Please..."

But they didn't stop. The pain went on and on, until I thought I would die from it. I could only hope that Matteo would find me soon because I didn't know how much more of this I could take.One of the vampires approached me, his eyes glowing red with a sick hunger. He leaned in close, his breath hot on my face. "You know, I think it's time we had some more fun."I felt a wave of dread wash over me as he reached out and ripped my shirt, exposing my chest. 

He laughed, running his hands over my skin, sending shivers of disgust through me. I tried to pull away, but the ropes held me tight.

"Stop it!" I screamed, but he ignored me, leaning in to kiss my breast. I could feel his sharp teeth grazing my skin, and I knew what was coming next. My vampire instincts kicked in, and I felt my eyes turn red and my teeth sharpen. I thrashed against the ropes, but they held me tight. There was no escape.

"Help me! Somebody, please!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls. But there was no one to hear me. The other vampires laughed, enjoying the show.

The leader bit down hard, drawing blood, and I screamed in pain. He pulled back, licking his lips. "Delicious," he said, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "But we're just getting started."They took turns, each vampire finding a new way to hurt me. They ripped my clothes, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. They touched me, kissed me, bit me, all while I begged for them to stop. My body was on fire with pain, and I felt like I was losing my mind.

Matteo's POV

Every second that passed felt like an eternity. Jennifer was out there, suffering, and I couldn't do anything to help her. I was losing my mind with worry. We had followed every lead, searched every possible location, but it always ended in a dead end.My phone buzzed again. Another video. My heart sank as I opened it, but I had to see. I had to know what they were doing to her.The video showed Jennifer, still tied up and naked, screaming in agony as the vampires tortured her. I felt sick, my heart breaking for her. I couldn't let this go on any longer. We had to find her. Now.I looked around at my friends, their faces set in grim determination. "We have to move," I said, my voice shaking with anger. "We can't let them do this to her.""Agreed," Theo said, his face set in determination. "Let's go."We apparated to the latest location, a rundown warehouse on the edge of town. It looked abandoned, but we knew better. This had to be the place.We moved quietly, our wands at the ready. My heart was pounding in my chest as we made our way inside. The place was dark and smelled damp, like an old basement. We split up, searching every corner, every room.But we found nothing. Jennifer was still out there, suffering, and we were no closer to finding her.

Jennifer's POV

The torture continued, relentless and cruel. The leader stepped back, admiring his work, while the other vampires took their turn. They laughed as they hurt me, enjoying my pain. I felt utterly helpless, my body broken and my spirit shattered."Please, no more," I begged, my voice barely a whisper. "Please..."But they didn't stop. The pain went on and on, until I thought I would die from it. I could only hope that Matteo would find me soon because I didn't know how much more of this I could take.One of the vampires approached me, his eyes glowing with malice. He reached out and slapped me hard across the face, sending a wave of pain through my already battered body."Stop begging," he sneered. "No one is coming for you."I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain, but it was no use. The torture was unending, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. My hope was fading, and I felt myself slipping into darkness.

Matteo's POV

We were running out of time. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, knowing that Jennifer was out there, suffering. I couldn't stand it. We had to find her. Now."Let's go," I said, my voice tight with determination. "We can't waste any more time."Draco nodded, his face grim. "We're with you, Matteo. Let's bring her home."We split up into smaller groups, covering more ground as we searched for any clue, any hint of where Jennifer might be. We asked everyone we could think of, followed every lead, but it always seemed to end in a dead end.I was about to lose hope when my phone buzzed again. Another video. My heart sank as I opened it, but I had to see. I had to know what they were doing to her.The video showed Jennifer, still tied up and naked, screaming in agony as the vampires tortured her. I felt sick, my heart breaking for her. I couldn't let this go on any longer. We had to find her. Now."We have to move," I said, my voice shaking with anger. "We can't let them do this to her.""Agreed," Theo said, his face set in determination. "Let's go."We apparated to the latest location, a rundown warehouse on the edge of town. It looked abandoned, but we knew better. This had to be the place.We moved quietly, our wands at the ready. My heart was pounding in my chest as we made our way inside. The place was dark and smelled damp, like an old basement. We split up, searching every corner, every room.

Jennifer's POV

The torture continued, relentless and cruel. The leader stepped back, admiring his work, while the other vampires took their turn. They laughed as they hurt me, enjoying my pain. I felt utterly helpless, my body broken and my spirit shattered."Please, no more," I begged, my voice barely a whisper. "Please..."But they didn't stop. The pain went on and on, until I thought I would die from it. I could only hope that Matteo would find me soon because I didn't know how much more of this I could take.One of the vampires approached me, his eyes glowing with malice. He reached out and slapped me hard across the face, sending a wave of pain through my already battered body."Stop begging," he sneered. "No one is coming for you."I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain, but it was no use. The torture was unending, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. My hope was fading, and I felt myself slipping into darkness.

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