part 18

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I headed to my studio for a late-night recording session. The studio was my safe haven, the one place where I could forget about all the royal duties and just be me. As I walked in, I felt a weird chill run down my spine, but I brushed it off. Probably just tired, I thought.I was in the booth, belting out the chorus to my new song, when everything went black. One second, I was singing my heart out, and the next, I was out cold.When I came to, my head was pounding. I tried to move, but my hands and feet were tied. Panic started to set in. Where the hell am I?"Hello?" I called out, my voice shaky. No answer. The room was dark and smelled like shitt, like an old basement or something. I struggled against the ropes, but they were tight.Just then, a door creaked open. I squinted against the sudden light and saw a shadowy figure step in. As he got closer, I saw his red eyes gleaming in the dim light. Vampire. My heart raced even faster."Who are you?" I demanded, trying to sound braver than I felt.The figure chuckled, a deep, sinister sound that made my skin crawl. "Don't worry, princess. You're in good hands."Fear gripped me. This wasn't some random kidnapping. They knew who I was. My mind raced. I had to get out of here. I had to get back to Matteo.The vampire moved closer, his eyes locked onto mine. He reached out and ripped my shirt open, exposing my chest. I gasped and tried to pull away, but the ropes held me tight."Get away from me!" I screamed, but he just laughed, a cold, cruel sound.He leaned in, his breath hot against my skin. "You're even more beautiful than I imagined," he whispered, his lips brushing against my breast. I shivered in disgust.Desperation took over. My vampire instincts kicked in. My eyes turned red, and my teeth sharpened. I thrashed against the ropes, trying to free myself, but it was no use. The vampire was too strong."Matteo!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls. "Help me!"But no one came. The vampire's grip tightened, and he began to kiss my breast, his touch rough and painful. Tears streamed down my face as I realized there was no way out. I was trapped, and there was nothing I could do to stop him.After what felt like an eternity, he finally stopped. But it wasn't over. Another vampire stepped into the room, his eyes just as cruel. He grabbed me roughly, throwing me to the ground. I screamed, kicking and struggling, but it was no use. They were too strong.They took turns violating me, their laughter echoing in my ears. My body ached, my mind shattered. I felt completely broken, trapped in a nightmare with no escape.
Matteo's POVI checked my watch for the hundredth time. Jennifer was late. She was never late. Something was off. I grabbed my phone and called her, but it went straight to voicemail. Damn it, Jen, where are you?I paced the floor, my mind going to dark places. After what felt like forever, my phone buzzed. I snatched it up, hoping it was Jennifer. But it wasn't her number. I answered, my heart pounding."Jennifer?" I said urgently.A deep, chilling voice came through the line. "Looking for your fiancée?""Who the fuck is this?" I snapped, anger and fear bubbling up."Relax, Matteo. She's with me. I'll take good care of her.""If you hurt her, I swear—"The voice cut me off. "Oh, I don't plan on hurting her. Not yet, anyway. But you better be careful. One wrong move, and your precious princess might not make it back."The line went dead. I stood there, my heart racing and my fists clenched. Jennifer was in trouble, and I had no idea where she was or who had her. But one thing was clear: I would do whatever it took to get her back.I grabbed my wand and stormed out of the room. Whoever took Jennifer was going to pay. I'd make sure of it.

Jennifer's POV

The minutes felt like hours. I had no idea how long I'd been here, but I knew I couldn't just sit and wait to be rescued. I had to think. I had to use my powers.Closing my eyes, I tried to focus. As a hybrid, I had abilities most people couldn't even dream of. I tapped into my vampire senses, trying to pick up any clues. Footsteps echoed from outside the door. I could hear two people talking, their voices low and hushed."She's more trouble than we thought," one of them said."We just need to keep her until the boss gets here," the other replied.Boss? What the hell was going on? I needed to get out, but I couldn't do it with my hands tied. I focused on my magic, feeling the familiar tingle in my fingers. With a deep breath, I whispered a spell under my breath. The ropes around my wrists and ankles loosened and fell away.Quietly, I stood up, my legs a bit wobbly. I needed to find a way out before they noticed I was free. Creeping towards the door, I listened carefully. The voices were getting louder. I had to move now.I slipped out into the hallway, my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't know where I was, but I had to keep moving. I just hoped Matteo would figure out where I was before it was too late.Suddenly, hands grabbed me from behind, dragging me back into the room. I screamed, kicking and struggling, but it was no use. They were too strong. They threw me to the floor, and I looked up to see the vampire from before, and another one with the same red eyes and cruel smile."You thought you could escape, princess?" the second one sneered. "You're not going anywhere.""No, please!" I begged, but they ignored me. They ripped the rest of my clothes off, leaving me exposed and terrified. Tears streamed down my face as they forced themselves on me, their hands rough and cruel.I screamed, I cried, I begged for mercy, but they didn't stop. My body ached, my mind shattered. I felt completely broken, trapped in a nightmare with no escape.After what felt like an eternity, they finally stopped. But the nightmare wasn't over. They bound me again, even tighter this time. One of them pulled out a wand and pointed it at me."Crucio!" he hissed, and pain like I'd never known coursed through my body. I screamed, my back arching in agony. It felt like my very bones were on fire.They laughed as they tortured me, recording every moment. I begged for them to stop, but it only seemed to amuse them more."Please, no more," I sobbed. "Please..."But they didn't stop. The pain went on and on, until I thought I would die from it. I could only hope that Matteo would find me soon, because I didn't know how much more of this I could take.Matteo's POV
I sat in the dark room, my mind racing. I had every trace spell I knew running, trying to pinpoint Jennifer's location from the call. But it was taking too long. Too damn long.Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was a notification. I opened it, and my blood ran cold. It was a video, sent from an unknown number.I hit play, and my heart shattered. There was Jennifer, my beautiful Jennifer, tied up and naked, being tortured. She screamed and cried, begging for mercy. The sight of her in such pain made me want to vomit."Oh my God," Naomi whispered, tears streaming down her face. Pansy and Daphne were crying too, their faces pale with horror. Draco and Theo looked furious, while Enzo and Blaise just looked sick."We have to find her," Draco said, his voice shaking with anger. "We can't let them do this to her.""I know," I said, my voice tight. "I'm going to my father. He has to know something."I apparated back to my father's lair, my heart pounding with fear and rage. I stormed into the throne room, not caring about the Death Eaters staring at me."Father!" I shouted. "We need to talk. Now."He looked at me, his eyes cold and calculating. "What is it, Matteo?""Jennifer," I said, my voice breaking. "They're torturing her. We have to find her.""We're doing everything we can," he said calmly. "But these things take time.""We don't have time!" I yelled, my fists clenched. "She's suffering. We have to find her now!"He sighed, as if I were a petulant child. "Patience, Matteo. We will find her. But you must be prepared for the worst."I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

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