Part 23

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Jennifer's POV

The next morning, Matteo and I made our way to see Doctor Blackwood. The weight of yesterday's events still had an impact on me .

Doctor Blackwood welcomed us with a warm smile. "How are you feeling today, Jennifer?"

I managed a small smile. "A bit better, thank you."

"That's good to hear. Let's go over a few important things about your pregnancy, especially since you're expecting twins."

Matteo and I listened intently as she began to explain. "Rest is crucial when you're pregnant with twins. Some gentle exercise may help you sleep better. With twins, you should increase your daily intake by 300 calories per baby in the first trimester, 340 calories per baby in the second trimester, and 452 calories per baby in the third trimester. This means you need anywhere between 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day."

I nodded, absorbing the information. "That makes sense."

"Too much stress can cause trouble sleeping, headaches, loss of appetite, or a tendency to overeat," Doctor Blackwood continued. "All of which can be harmful to you and your developing babies."

Matteo squeezed my hand, his eyes filled with concern. "We'll make sure she gets plenty of rest and eats well."

"Good. Fresh air is also important, and you'll likely experience lots of cravings," Doctor Blackwood added with a chuckle. "Matteo, you'll need to get her what she wants, or she might cry, get angry, or even punch you."

We laughed, the tension easing slightly. "I'll do my best," Matteo promised.

"Now, let's have a look at the babies." Doctor Blackwood prepared the ultrasound machine, and I lay back, feeling some sort of excitement and anxiety. The cool gel touched my skin, and the familiar sound of the heartbeat filled the room.

"Here we go," Doctor Blackwood said, pointing to the screen. "You can see the heads here, and these are the feet."

Tears filled my eyes as I watched our twins on the screen. Their tiny forms moved slightly, a reminder of the precious lives growing inside me. Matteo leaned closer, his face softening with wonder.

"They're beautiful," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"They really are," I agreed, feeling an overwhelming surge of love.

Doctor Blackwood continued to show us different angles, explaining each part with care. By the end of the session, we were both in awe of our tiny miracles.

"Remember, Jennifer, take it easy and follow the guidelines we've discussed. You and your babies are strong, and with the right care, everything will be fine."

"Thank you, Doctor," I said, my heart feeling lighter.

After a rollercoster of emotions at the doctor's appointment, I needed some time. I slipped into comfy pajamas and settled in front of the TV in our room, trying to process everything. Downstairs, the Great Hall buzzed with dinner chatter, but I craved a quiet moment away from the crowd.I got hungry , wore  a dress and went down stairs. My baby bump was quite evident in a tight dress,

Matteo pulled me into a gentle embrace, kneeling down to kiss my belly.

"Hey there, little ones," he whispered affectionately. "Daddy's here"

I chuckled softly at his heartfelt words to our unborn twins. It was cheesy but undeniably sweet. Settling onto Matteo's lap, I felt a sense of peace amidst the chaos of the day. Pansy and Draco were deep in a spirited debate about the twins' genders—Pansy was convinced they were both girls, while Draco bet on two boys.

"Pansy, darling, you've got to see the signs," Draco argued, gesturing animatedly with his hands. "Girls are more likely with that heartburn you've been having."

Pansy rolled her eyes playfully, shaking her head. "Draco, you're being ridiculous. Heartburn doesn't determine gender."

Matteo interjected with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe they're each a different gender," he suggested, winking at me. "A girl and a boy."

"That's actually not a bad idea," I chimed in, enjoying the banter.

Draco threw his hands up in mock defeat. "Fine, fine. A girl and a boy it is, then. But if I'm right about two boys, you owe me a Butterbeer."

Pansy smirked. "Deal, but when I win, you'll be treating me to a new pair of dress robes."

Amidst their playful bickering, I indulged in a strange craving—cheese dipped in honey. It earned me quizzical looks from everyone around.

"What?" I shrugged, popping another bite into my mouth. "Pregnancy cravings, you know?"

Surprising even Matteo, I suddenly had a strong hankering for a burger. He dashed off to fetch one, returning with a teasing grin. "You sure you don't want, like, a dozen?" he joked, handing it over.

After devouring the burger with gusto, I moved on to a bizarre combination of pickles with peanut butter. The incredulous stares I got were priceless, but Matteo just chuckled and kept rubbing my stomach, reassuring me it was all part of the pregnancy package.

"It's totally normal, babe," he said warmly, his hand comforting against my belly. "Just go with it."

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