Part 20

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Matteo's pov :

The Great Hall was filled with a tense silence. It had been two fucking weeks since Jennifer had been taken. The girls were crying, the guys were angry and determined, but every day without a lead felt like a lifetime. As for me, I hadn't slept or eaten. My mind was consumed with guilt and worry.

The doors suddenly burst open, and Theodore came rushing in, out of breath and frantic.

"I found her!" he shouted.

Everyone jumped to their feet. My heart pounded as I rushed over to him, grabbing his shoulders. "Where? Where is she?" I demanded, my voice shaking.

"In a dark house in France," he replied. "We have to go now."

Without hesitation, I pressed the mark on my arm, summoning the Death Eaters. "We need to move, now!" I shouted. "Let's bring her home."

We apparated to the location Theodore described—a rundown, eerie house on the outskirts of a small French village. The air was cold, and dread hung heavy around us. My heart raced as we moved quickly and quietly, wands at the ready.

Jennifer's POV

I drifted in and out of consciousness in the cold, dark cell. The pain was constant, and I had almost given up hope. 

The cell door banged open, and one of the vampires stormed in, grabbing me by my hair and dragging me to a chair. My scalp burned, but I was too weak to fight. They tied me down, and I felt my heart race with fear. They injected me with a vial of clear liquid that made my blood feel like it was boiling. I screamed, the pain unbearable.

Matteo's POV

We burst into the dark house, spells flying as we fought the vampires. My heart pounded as we searched for Jennifer. Finally, we found her in a small, dimly lit room. She was naked, bruised, and covered in blood, lying unconscious on the cold floor.

My breath caught in my throat, and tears blurred my vision. I rushed to her side, lifting her gently into my arms. "Jennifer," I whispered, my voice breaking. "I'm here. You're safe now."

We fought, taking down the kidnappers . Spells crackled through the air, and the room was filled with shouts and the sounds of battle. One by one, the kidnappers fell.

As the last of them was defeated, I cradled Jennifer in my arms, tears falling onto her bruised face. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I should have found you sooner."

Draco and the others gathered around us, their faces grim but relieved. "Let's get her home," Draco said. "She needs a healer."

We apparated back to our headquarters, where a team of healers was waiting. They took Jennifer from my arms, carefully laying her on a stretcher and rushing her to the medical wing. I followed closely, my heart aching with worry.

Jennifer's POV

The world was a blur of pain and darkness. I heard voices and felt hands lifting me, but it all seemed distant. The pain was overwhelming, pulling me under.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of energy. My eyes snapped open, and I saw a red light enveloping my body. My vision was tinged with red, and I felt a strange power coursing through me. I looked around, my eyes meeting Matteo's.

Matteo's POV

Hours passed as the healers worked tirelessly on Jennifer. I paced outside the medical wing, my mind racing with worry and guilt. I should have found her sooner. I should have protected her.

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