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Jennifer' s pov :

I watched my father as he rolled his sleeves a smirk on his face and my brothers with a both worried and sad face . When he rolled his sleeves i saw it . My eyes widen and i throught i was going to faint when i saw it . When i saw the dark mark . My mother immeadiatly pushed me violently into the entrance and the barrier disappeard when my father showed his mark . My father took me by my wrist very violently more than he ever did but thanks to merlin i didn't fall . I tried to resist but he was too strong for me . When i finally looked in front of me i saw a door made with dark ebony wood . Once it opened my father leaded me less violently almost gentle . I just looked down to see nothing and then i felt and saw my father arm up probably to slap me . I put both of my arms in front of me and flinched . Then i felt something on my shoulder and when i looked i saw his hand on my shoulder then i saw a table with sat on it all of my friends and next to the dark lord was saat matteo . MATTEO FUCKING RIDDLE . Seiing him just and the others just made me panick and behind me i searched the doorknob and tried to open the door . But it didn't work . I tried more and again and again . WHAT IF HE TOLD HIS DAD THAT I SLAPPED HIM ? WAS HE GONNA KILL ME ? OH GOD AND THEODORE ?

- " don't try it's not going to work , just sit down next to ur dear family and everything will be explained to you " At his words i started making my way to the seat next to my father and matteo . FOR FUCK'S SAKE WHY WAS HE NEXT TO ME . i was scared so scared u can't imagine how .

And like things could go worst some deatheaters were looking at me like they were lions that didn't ate for weeks and that i was a peace of fresh meat . Even if i was scared i couldn't stay like that not talking .

My voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance .

" Why are you all looking at me like that ? " I demanded , my words barely above a whisper but filled with a palpable edge .

The Deatheaters exchanged knowing glances , their sinister smirks sending a chill down my spine as they reveled in my discomfort . One of them , a tall figure with a sneer etched across his face, leaned in closer, his eyes boring into mine with a disturbing intensity .

" We' re just admiring the view , sweetheart . " he drawled , his voice dripping with sarcasm as he leered at me . " After all , it' s not every day we get such a pretty , sexy little thing in our midst . "

" Jennifer belongs to my son , Matteo , " Voldemort declared , his words carrying the weight of absolute authority . " Any of you who dare to lay a hand on her will answer to me and to my son . "

The DeathEaters exchanged nervous glances , their expressions a mixture of apprehension and fear . They knew better than to defy the Dark Lord' s orders , especially when it came to matters as delicate as this .

Narrator' s pov :

Matteo , sitting beside Jennifer , felt a surge of satisfaction at his father' s words , a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips . He had known that Voldemort' s warning would silence the others , reminding them of the consequences of crossing him .

In the unsettling silence that followed Voldemort' s proclamation , Jennifer felt a wave of confusion wash over he r, leaving her mind reeling with disbelief . She couldn' t comprehend why Voldemort would claim her as Matteo' s possession .

Turning to Matteo , she searched his eyes for any sign of explanation , but all she found was a cold , indifferent gaze that sent a shiver down her spine . It was as if he had known all along about Voldemort' s intentions , and now that his secret was out , there was no turning back.

" Matteo , " she whispered , her voice barely audible over the heavy silence of the room . " What does he mean ? Why would he say that I' m... yours ?

" Matteo , what is this ? " Jennifer' s voice trembled as she turned to him , her eyes pleading for an explanation that she feared she wouldn' t receive .

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