Bad Romance (2)

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It's Saturday night and I am waiting for Jungkook to pick me up for our date. We have been seeing each other for a couple weeks now and I'm amazed that he is still interested, I've heard how he gets bored quickly, especially with someone who doesn't put out on the first date. I check myself one more time in the mirror and head downstairs. "You look nice honey", my mom says. "Thanks", I say. "Who's the lucky guy", she asks. "His name is Jungkook, he's popular and gorgeous, and I have no clue what his intentions are", I say.

 "What do you think he has in mind", my mom asks. "I've known him for a few years now, he has never even looked twice in my direction in all that time, but now he is really interested", I say. "You're right, that does sound odd, but you know how kids can be. They never pay attention to what's right in front of them", she explains.

Jungkook texted that he is outside and is leaning against his car waiting for me when I get outside. "Hi gorgeous", he says. "Hi yourself, where are we going", I ask as he pulls me into a hug. I pull away quickly, needing to keep my wits about me. "I thought we could have a nice dinner then head to the boardwalk", he says. "Sounds fun", I say sliding into the passenger seat. "You look really good tonight, I need to keep you close to me", Jungkook says placing his hand on my thigh. I side eye him and shake my head. "Where would you like to eat", he asks.

When we get to the boardwalk, Jungkook continues to pout. He is upset that the waiter kept flirting with me and even tried to give me his number, but I didn't accept it. "Jungkook, please stop pouting, I said I was sorry", I say grabbing his hand. He looks down at our hands, then up at me smiling, "it's not your fault you are gorgeous, I understand why he did it." "Then let's have fun, come on and ride the roller coaster with me", I say pulling him along. I wish he were someone I could truly trust, then I could allow myself to fall for him, but I've heard too many horror stories.

"Come here, let me fix your hair, the roller coaster messed it up", I say standing in front of him. He grabs my hips, slipping his thumbs into my belt loops and pulling me closer to him while I mess with his hair. "Okay, you are all handsome again", I say. "Like I ever stopped", he teases. I laugh and start walking toward the games, "win me something." "If I could, I'd win you the moon", he says. I smile at him, "the strange part is, I believe you."


Walking back to the car, Jin can't stop talking about the bunny plushie I won him. "He's adorable, I am going to call him Kookie", he teases. I roll my eyes, "why Kookie." "Because he's adorable just like his name sake", he says laughing. "You really think I am adorable", I ask backing him up against my car. He blushes, "I don't have to tell you, you already know." "Please let me kiss you", I beg him. He nods slightly and I crash my lips to his. It was magic, the electricity between us is like nothing I have ever had with anyone, not even Lily.

When we finally part, we both look punch drunk, goofy smiles on our faces. I run my thumb over his cheek, "you are amazing." He giggles, "it was just a kiss Jungkook." "No Seokjin, it felt like more than that", I say pulling him toward me again. I capture his mouth again and the kiss is more heated this time. We are both grinding on each other, and I can feel his erection on mine, letting me know he wants me as much as I want him. "Come home with me", I breathe. "Yes", he pants.


His lips devour mine as we make our way to my bed, he is hungry, and his tongue is annihilating every thought in my head. He pulls me down on top of him, his body feeling perfect underneath me, setting off electric currents in my blood. I am so far gone I don't even realize that he is trying to take my clothes off, when I finally wake up, I help him get us both naked. His body is phenomenal, pale, perfect skin and the smell of his arousal is going to make me want to cum before I even get inside of him. "Fuck Seokjin, I fucking want you so bad, so bad I ache", I moan.

I have never been so hard before in my life than I am at this very moment, his legs on my shoulders as I guide my aching cock to his entrance. I lean in, pressing myself into him, slowly. His cries and whimpers are driving me insane. I push until my hips are set against his ass. "Ahhggg Jungkook", he moans. I start to move, thrusting in and out of him slowly at first, but once he starts moving with me, I can't control myself anymore and pound into him as he spurs me on with his dirty mouth. "Fuck me harder Jungkook, harder", he cries. He plays with my nipples while I stroke his cock in time with my thrusts. "You are so pretty baby, you look so good under me, this is where you belong from now on", I growl. 

We lay next to each other, trying to catch our breath and I find myself staring at him, I can't stop staring at him. He looks over at me and chuckles, "this won't happen again Jungkook." He tries to get up, but I roll on top of him, "oh baby, it's really cute that you think you will be able to walk away from me after this, I will be your new drug of choice, Jagiya." He shudders underneath me, reaching up and threading is fingers in my hair, pulling me down to kiss him. I took him two more times, solidifying that this man is now mine.

The next morning Jin and I take a shower, then drop him off at his house. "I dont want to say goodbye", I say kissing him. He giggles, "you said you had something to do, come back when you are done." I suck a mark on his neck, "Oh you better believe I'll be back." I head home after leaving Jin's house, I'm going to collect my prize, then let Lily know whatever this is between us, is over. She is in her room when I lean against the door frame, "I want my prize, the deed is done." "So, you got lucky last night, good for you", she asks.

"Lucky is an understatement, he is perfection in every way possible. I have never felt like this before about anybody", I say starting to unbutton my shirt. Lily charges at me, shoving me out of her room, "did you break his heart yet." I stumble backward and hit the wall. "What the fuck Lil", I say angrily. "You will never touch me again, since he is such perfection", she screams slamming her door. What the hell just happened. I stand there stunned, "fuck." I know what I need to do, and I really don't want too.

I arrive back at Seokjin's house, "hey come on in, my mom just left." "So we are alone", I ask. "Yea, I was just making some lunch, are you hungry", he asks leaning over and kissing me. I hug him, tightly, "no I am not hungry." "What's wrong, you seem distracted, you okay", he asks concerned. "Seokjin, sometimes things happen in life, and it is out of our control, and this is one of those times. Last night was fun but you need to know I used you, everything I said was a lie so that you would sleep with me", I lie. "What", he asks. Tears forming in his eyes, it is gutting me to tell him this, but I need to win this bet.

"You heard me, it's beyond my control", I say. "STOP SAYING THAT", he screams as tears run down his cheeks. He is trying to hit me, but I am holding his hands. "It's be-beyond, it's beyond my control, I am sorry", I repeat myself. He shoves me away, "get out, I fucking knew it, you are the biggest piece of shit, get out and do not speak to me, do not look at me ever again you son of a bitch, GET OUT OF MY LIFE, I HATE YOU." I hate myself, I want to pull him to me and hug him, beg for his forgiveness. I want nothing more than for this man to love me. I walk out, hearing his pain as he lays on the floor crying.

I arrive back home and push open Lily's bedroom door, "I did it, I broke him Lil, just like you wanted." Her evil smile sends a cold chill down my spine. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that dear stepbrother", She says coldly. "Get undressed Lily, you owe me, I won this bet", I demand. She turns and glares at me, so much hate in her eyes. "You are delusional if you think I will have sex with you again", she spits. I grab her and throw her on the bed, "you will keep your end of the deal, I hurt a good person for you." She jumps up and slaps me, "don't ever touch me again, GET OUT, GET THE FUCK OUT." 

To be continued...

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