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A/N I couldn't resist. It's been poking at me since the song came out. 

Taehyung's POV

"You are still coming this weekend, right," Jimin asks. I sigh, "I will be there." "Ha, I'll believe it when I see it," he says sarcastically. "I have to get back to work, I'll talk to you later," I sigh, ending the call. "Was that Jimin," Jungkook asks. "Yea, I am supposed to go up there and spend the weekend with him and Yoongi," I explain. "Supposed to, are you not sure," he laughs. I glare at him and shake my head. "You won't go if you get a call from a certain someone huh", he asks. "Pretty much", I sigh.

"I don't get it. What is it about him that you can't say no", Jungkook asks. "Kook, you and Jimin are my best friends, and I love you both dearly, but Jin, he is everything to me. He was there when my grandma died. I almost fell apart when she passed, and he kept me together through it all. He just knows me, he gets me", I explain. "How is it you have known him longer than Jimin and I", Jungkook asks. "We grew up together. I left for college, and he went to work for his dad, which is why he travels so much, but he was always there when I needed him", I say. 

"You love him, don't you", he asks. "Why do you say that", I ask, confused. "Because when you talk about him, your eyes dance, and you get a faraway look", Jungkook teases. "I do love him, but he confuses me. He talks to me like I am his, like he loves me too, but then turns around and calls me just a friend", I explain.  "Does he know how you feel", Jungkook asks. "I try to show him, but I've never said the words. I don't want to scare him away", I say. "Tae, you'll never know if you don't tell him. If he is truly a good person who cares about you, he won't run", Jungkook says.


Walking in my front door, I kick my shoes off and throw my keys on the table. I need to pack for my trip to Jimin's, I miss him and Yoongi, but a bigger part of me hopes Jin contacts me. After packing and making myself some dinner, I curl up on the couch to watch a movie. I must have dozed off because I am startled awake by my phone ringing. Looking at the screen, I see Jin's name and my stomach flutters.

"Hello", I answer. "Hi Voo, are you home. I miss you and want to come see you", he says. My heart is in my throat. Trying to form words, I manage to say, "Come over." After hanging up, I quickly check myself in the mirror, and in no time at all, he is at my door. "My Voo", he says, rushing in and hugging me. I hug him back just as tight, not wanting to let go. "Aww, did you miss me that much", he asks. "Yes", I whisper. "I miss you too, and I have something to tell you", he says, leading me to the couch.

I can't help falling into his beautiful brown eyes, the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "I quit my job", he says. I snap back to reality, "You did, why." He sighs, holding my hand, "I'm tired of being away all the time. The business trips, being gone for weeks at a time. I want to settle down and share my life with someone, I can't do that being away all the time." "Y-you want to share your life with someone, anyone special in mind", I ask nervously. I don't want to hear his response. I feel like I am going to throw up.

"There is. He is the most wonderful man I've ever met. Gorgeous and funny, gosh, he makes me laugh, and he always puts me first, even over his best friends", he says happily. His smile says it all. He's in love with someone else. I sulk, my shoulders sagging, "I'm happy for you, Jin. Um, I think I should get going, I'm supposed to go to Jimin's this weekend." Jin giggles, throwing his arms around my neck from the back and kissing my ear. "Aren't you going to ask me who he is, I think you'd really like him", he says playfully.

"Uh, of course, I'd love to know who it is", I say deadpan. He places his beautiful lips against the shell of my ear and whispers, "it's you Voo." I stop breathing, I think I am having a stroke. "What did you just say", I say, turning around to face him. "I know I am probably setting myself up for a broken heart, but I love you, Voo. I have for a long time, and I have been so afraid to tell you because I didn't know if you were into guys", he says. I am still dumbstruck by his words, "me, you want me." He nods slowly, looking hesitant like I might actually turn him away. 

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