High School Crush

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"Mei, I am getting ready to leave, do you need anything before I go", I ask. "Did you feed Dansby", she asks. "Yes and I took him out too", I say hugging her goodbye. "How long you going to be gone, I won't survive", she whines. "You will do great, you are going to be running this place one day", I tell her. "So, your high school reunion, are you excited. Does everyone know that you are a successful veterinarian", she asks. "Some people know and no I am not really excited, my high school boyfriend will be there", I say. "Is that a bad thing", she asks. 

"Yes, I dumped him in front of the whole school because I thought he was cheating on me. Then we got back together during college and I dumped him again at a football game because I caught him giving some girl his number and I haven't seen him since", I say shaking my head. "Ouch, well you have fun with that. Better go or you will miss your flight", Mei says. Picking up my suitcase, I hug her one more time and head outside to wait for my Uber.

Walking into my childhood home is so surreal. I feel 8 feet tall because everything seems smaller to me. "Mom, dad", I yell. "In here Jinnie", I hear them say. "Hi guys", I say. "Did you have a good flight"  my dad asks hugging me. "Yea it was fine", I say. "You ready for tonight, Jimin and Hoseok have not left me alone. They are so excited you are coming home", she says. "I can't wait to see them either", I pick up my suitcase and take it to my room. A few minutes later there's a knock at my door and my two best friends come running in.

"You are finally here, hurry and change so we can pre-game before the reunion", Hoseok says. I laugh, "ok give me a minute." After taking a quick shower and getting ready we head out to a local restaurant for dinner and drinks. "Are you excited to see Jungkook", Jimin asks. "A little, more nervous than anything. He probably hates me still", I say. "I doubt that. I hear he's been asking around town if you are coming tonight", Hoseok says.

"Is Taehyung coming", I ask. "I dont know I haven't heard from him in months", Jimin says. "You haven't talked to him", Hobi asks. My heart breaks when I think of how he left without saying goodbye. "He texts me once and awhile, but its been awhile", I say. "You two were inseparable. What happened", Hoseok asks. "Jungkook happened", Jimin giggles. I knew that was the reason Tae pulled away, but I never thought he would leave me completely. 

After we finish eating we head over to the high school where they are having the reunion. I am not in the door 2 minutes when I am swept up in a pair of strong arms. "You are here, I was afraid you weren't coming", Jungkook cheers. "Hi Kookah, wow your stronger than I remember", I say giggling. He kisses me, his lips just as soft as I remember. I look at him, "you aren't mad at me." "Jinnie, what happened between us was years ago. We were young and dumb", he says.

"Jungkook, did you cheat on me, because I remember you", I try to say but he cuts me off. "I didn't cheat Jinnie. That's the past, lets focus on our future", he says. He takes my hand and leads me into the gymnasium. Decorated with our school colors, various tables set up and a dance floor right in the middle. "Jungkook", Yoongi, his best friend calls over to him. He pulls me toward the group of guys. "Hey Jin, you look really good", Yoongi says. "Thank you, you too", I say. Their little group of jocks hasn't changed, still standing around talking sports.

Standing there awkwardly, I notice Taehyung walk in. My heart rate speeds and I walk toward him. When he sees me, his eyes light up and that makes my stomach flutter. "Voo, you came", I say grabbing him and hugging him. He holds me tightly, his face buried in my neck, "Jwan, how could I miss this, miss the chance of seeing you." I wanted to push him away and holler at him but was interrupted when I feel myself tugged away. "Hey Tae, how have you been", Jungkook says wrapping his arm around my waist. 

I notice Tae's demeanor change. "Jungkook", he says with a fake smile, walking away. I watch his back retreat and everything in me wants to follow him. But Jungkook has other plans and pulls me onto the dance floor. "Can we try again Jinnie, I really miss you in my life", he whispers in my ear. I sigh, not knowing what to say. I have loved this man since freshman year of high school. I look around and see Tae talking to Jimin, he's smiling and laughing. It is so beautiful, all big and boxy. Tae has been my best friend since the 6th grade, then after high school he just left, without a goodbye.

He looks over at me and I can't look away. I smile and he smiles back, but I see the sadness in his eyes. Thinking back to Tae and I and the havoc we reeked together. We were always on the principles wanted list. We would skip class and drive to the dunes, Tae would play his guitar and I would sing along. He would chase me around with a crab in his hand, he knew I was afraid those things. He loved to torture me. "Jin, Jin", Jungkook says cutting thru my memories. "Oh is the song over, sorry", I apologize. 

"I am going to go throw the football around with the guys, want to come", he asks. "I'll, uh I'll be right out", I say. He kisses me and runs toward Yoongi. I walk toward Tae and sit next to him. "Talk to me Voo, I haven't see you in years, what have you been up too", I ask. "I'm sorry about leaving the way I did, but I had too. You", a shrill voice cuts Tae's statement off. "Tae, I am here", a female says running toward him. I look at him, confusion on my face. "Shit", I hear him say under his breath.  "Jia, what are you doing here, I didn't think you could come", he says to her. 

She wraps her arms around him, "I changed some things around, are you happy I am here now" He holds her upper arms and pushes her off him gently. "You didn't have to move things around, you didn't need to come", Tae says annoyed. I clear my throat and Tae remembers that I am there. "Oh sorry, this my assistant Jia, Jia this is my friend from high school Seokjin", he says. What Tae said hurt a little bit, yes we are high school friends but I thought we were more than that. "Its nice to meet you. Tae we can talk later", I say walking away sadly. 

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