Life, Love, and Lies (2)

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"Holy shit Hobi, he is upright", Jimin says when I walk into the kitchen. "Fuck off", I say annoyed. He laughs and hugs me, "are you feeling better, you have been in bed for 3 days straight." "I'm fine. I went from grieving to pissed off", I say. "What was all that about an open relationship", Hoseok asks. I sigh, sitting on the seat and drinking my coffee. "Eun approached me one night asking if I would be okay with an open marriage. I wanted to say hell no, but the thought of losing him over it killed me, so I asked him for some time to think about it", I tell them. "Guess he didn't want to give you that time seeing he found someone else", Jimin says angrily.

"We are going out tonight, come with us. You need to get out of this house, Jin", Hoseok says. "I don't know, I won't be much fun", I whine. "You will be fine, we will make sure you have a good time", Jimin says. "Fine, let me get ready", I say heading back to my room. I need to start living my life again, I can't let Eun's bullshit stop me. "Damn Jinnie, you look great. Let's go", Hoseok says. 

They end up bringing me to a piano bar, its quiet and not overly crowded. I was worried they would drag me to a loud crowded club with half naked people. I find a seat at the bar and order a drink when I feel someone come up beside me. I look over to see a gorgeous guy in a black turtleneck and tight fight dress pants. His shirt stretched perfectly over his muscular chest, and you can see the definition of the muscles in his arms. Mouthwatering is the only way I can describe him. He looks over at me and catches me looking at him, I look away quickly and I hear him chuckle. 

"I'll have whatever he is having, and pour him another", I hear the man say. God what a voice and when I look up at him again his smile is endearing. "Thank you", I say. "This must be a bar for the blind", he says. I look at him with a questioning look on my face. He laughs, "because there isn't a line forming behind me to meet you." I can't help but roll my eyes and laugh, "sit, you dont have to be so cheesy to talk to me." "I'm Jungkook", he says holding out his hand. I shake it, "Seokjin, but you can call me Jin." "So be honest your significant other is around here somewhere, because if you were mine, there is no way you would be sitting here by yourself", he says. 

"No, no one here but me and my two best friends", I say. He shakes his head, "well then, I guess I have a job to do this evening." I look at him confused for the second time tonight. "Beat all these wanna be's off with a stick", he teases. I laugh and I have to admit I love his laugh. "You actually look kind of sad, are you okay", Jungkook asks. I shrug, "not really." "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm going to make it my mission to cheer you up", he says. I smile at him, "you are doing a good job so far." We talked well into the night, I even sent Hoseok and Jimin home  to their husbands finally. 

Jungkook says that he works between Japan and Korea, that travelling is getting to him and he wants to finally settle down. I told him about Eun, how he passed away and I just found out he was cheating on me. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "I wanted kids, he didnt. His job was more important and it seems his boyfriend had a play in it too", I say. "I dont like to talk ill will of the dead, but your husband was crazy for not worshiping you", he says. Jungkook raises my hand to his lips and I feel my face heat up. "Let me drive you home so I know you got there safe. I have to catch a flight in a few hours", he says. 

Pulling up to the house, Jungkook turns toward me. Placing his hand on my cheek, "this is the best night of my life so far. I met an amazing man and he gave me his phone number, it truly is my lucky day." He leans in and kisses my forehead. "I will text you when I land in Japan, get some sleep and dream of me", he whispers. "I definitely will", I promise. I have a hard time leaving the car, but I do and he watches me as I walk in. I wave to him from my front door and he blows me a kiss. 

I just returned from the lawyers office to find Jimin and Hobi in my kitchen. "Go home and pack. We are going to Japan", I announce. "FUCK YEA", Jimin yells. "Why are we going there", Hobi asks. "I told the lawyer to sell Eun's condo, but I want to see it first. Plus he left me all his money, so lets spend it like he would", I say. "WOOOOOOO", Jimin cheers loudly. I laugh and tell them that I will pick them up in a few hours. I head upstairs and find myself looking in Eun's closet. We did not have the same style at all. He wore mute neutral colors, while I wear more bright cheerful colors. 

I grab a garbage bag and start shoving his clothes into it. Ill need boxes to pack his shoes and other stuff, but right now I feel better having a full bag of clothes to donate. A few hours later, the three of us our on our way to Japan. I am afraid of what I will find at Eun's condo, but I have to see it for myself. "Who was that hottie you were talking to last night", Jimin asks. "His name is Jungkook. He is really nice and so cute. We exchanged phone numbers", I say smiling. "Oh someone is smitten", Hobi teases. I stick my tongue out at him, "so what if I am." 

When we finally arrive in Tokyo I tell the taxi driver the address to the condo. "Holy shit, look at this place", Jimin says when we walk in. I cant believe my eyes, everything about this place is Eun through and through. I break out in tears when I see the pictures of him and another man around the living room, none of him and I. I grab my chest because it hurts so bad. Hoseok's arms wrap around me as we slowly fall to the floor. Laying my head in his lap, he rubs my hair. "He is a grade A asshole Jinnie, he truly fucked up this time", he says quietly. 

We watch as Jimin runs around the condo throwing all the pictures into a box, and we cant help but laugh. "This house is clean", he says in his best Tangina voice from Poltergeist. We laugh even harder until we hear the front door open and close. He walks in and stops when he sees us. His eyes go wide because I know he recognizes me. I stand quickly and glare at him. "You have a key, you live here with him." "No, its not like that. I travel a lot and he lets me stay here when I am in town", he says. 

"I cant fucking believe this, lets get out of here. I need a drink. I want you and your shit out before we get back, I am selling this place", I tell him. "Wait, I only just arrived and have no where to stay. Can I please stay just for tonight, and then I will leave first thing tomorrow", he pleads. I growl, "whatever." Jimin shoves the box into his hands, "do something with this, its your shit you take care of it." I hear him sigh deeply as we walk out the door.

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