The Bet

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"Good show tonight Kook", Yoongi says, coming into my dressing room. "Thanks, I have to shower and get ready," I say, grabbing my toiletries bag. "Going somewhere," Yoongi asks, eyeing me suspiciously. "I have a date," I say, wiggling my eyebrows. "Is that what you call it now. We used to call it a one and done", he smirks. I shrug, "Call it what you want. Either way, I'm getting laid."

When I'm done getting ready, I see Yoongi has left. I know he doesn't agree with me sleeping with groupies, but I do not want or have time for a relationship. I have been with a lot of men and women and have yet to find anyone who holds my interest for more than a few minutes. The guy I chose for tonight waits for me outside my dressing room. He's even prettier up close. I saw him in the crowd and had to have him, and I would.

The next morning, I woke up, my head spinning. I didn't even drink last night, what the fuck. I find my phone and check the time. Damn its almost 1 in the afternoon. The guy I was with last night is gone. "Hey Yoon, I am in a hotel room. Can you swing by and pick me up", I call Yoongi while I get dressed. "I'll be right there, we have to talk", he says before hanging up. I head downstairs and check out, waiting for Yoongi outside. "OMG, its JUNGKOOK", two girls squeal when they see me. "Please can we have your autograph", one says. 

"Sure", I say grabbing their pen and piece of paper. After I hand it back, the other girl jumps on me and kisses me. I push her off and she just smiles evilly. "Love the videos, here's my number, maybe you can do that to me one night", she says shoving a another piece of paper in my hand. They walk off, giggling and looking at their phone. A horn honks, startling me. I turn and see Yoongi glaring at me. "Now what", I say to myself. "Get in and dont say a word", he says when I open the door. I look at him, waiting to for him to speak. "Fucking hell Jungkook, you are going to be the death of me", he says shaking his head.

"What is going on", I finally ask. He hands me his phone and a video is playing. Its me and the guy from last night, but I look drunk and I didnt realize there was a second guy in the room with us till just this minute. "What the fuck Yoongi, they drugged me, because I dont remember any of this", I plead. "They posted it everywhere and your fans are not happy about this, because they dont know you are drugged, they think its you being the whore you are, flaunting it", Yoongi says taking his phone back. "Can't we take legal action", I ask. "I am going to try but it's your word against his. He can say it was consensual. In the meantime, you are going to lay low", he says. 

I look at him in disbelief. "It's just what it sounds like. I called Jimin, you are going to the U.S.", he says. "What, for how long", I whine. "Till this shit blows over and I can get the video taken down. It will be a much needed vacation, plus it will give you time to write new stuff", he says pulling out into traffic. I stare out the window pouting. Jimin is mine and Yoongi's best friend, he moved to the states with his husband and opened a restaurant. "I'm going to drop you off at home, get cleaned up and pack for at least a month", he says pulling into my driveway.

Once inside my house, I make a phone call. "Can you come by and check me out, I am sure you saw or heard about the video that was posted. Yea, I want to make sure I am okay", I say. I take a quick shower and throw my robe on before Hoseok gets there. I let him in and he starts to set up his supplies, "take the robe off." I do as he says and he checks everything on me from head to toe. He takes blood and a urine sample. "You look okay so far, there wasn't penetration, but I will run tests on your blood and urine", he says. I thank him and he leaves. 

In a matter of 30 minutes I am in the car and at the airport waiting for my flight. After 14 hours I am finally in New York. I grab my bag off the conveyor belt and hear someone yell my name. I turn to see Jimin running toward me and throwing his arms around me. "Look at you, Mr. Rockstar. Come on Namjoon can't wait to see you. Gosh I've missed you, how is Yoongi", he asks. I pick up my bag that Jimin made me drop and follow him out of the airport. "He is good, bossy as ever", I complain. 

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