High School Crush (End)

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I know I hurt Jin with my words, I truly didn't mean to. He will always be more to me than just my friend. Jia pulls me to the drink table. "Punch, is it spiked, god, I hope so. That guy you introduced me to was really cute, is he single", Jia asks. "No", I say harsher than I meant too. "Oh to bad. Let's dance", she says, pulling me to the dance floor. Memories of this school and Jin flood back. Falling in love with my best friend was never a good idea. He always had eyes for Jungkook. Who could blame him, Jungkook is the handsomest guy at our school. 

I watch as he walks back into  the gym with the football team. He scans the gym, and when he sees me dancing with Jia, his eyes turn sad. Is he jealous. How could he not see the jealousy in my eyes whenever he hangs all over Jungkook. All attention is suddenly on the door to the gym, in walks Lee Yon, the most popular girl in high school. The girl, every guy, and even some girls wanted. Especially Jungkook, and I know that he cheated on Jin with her, but I could never tell him. He wouldn't have believed me. Yon walks right to Jungkook and hugs him, literally pushing Jin out of the way, and Jungkook being Jungkook, he sucks up the attention. I see Jin turn and leave the gym, so I follow him.

"This place brings back memories huh", I say, walking into the music room. "I'm an idiot aren't I, thinking Jungkook and I could actually be something again. I came here with this idea, and now I just don't think I feel it anymore", he says. I sit next to him at the piano and put my arm around him. "You are not an idiot, he is", I say. I start to play a tune on the piano, and he smiles. He joins in, and soon we are playing the song we both first learned. He starts to laugh when our fingers fight for the keys. I bump his shoulder with mine, and he bumps me back. Pulling his hands away, he wipes a tear from his cheek.

"Why did you leave me without a word", he asks in almost a whisper. I stop playing and sigh, taking his hand in mine. "I'm sorry Jin, I didn't want too, but I had too", I say. He looks at me, tears in his eyes, "why." Outside the door, we hear laughing and giggling. We open the door to see Jungkook carrying Yun down the hallway, kissing and laughing. I look over at Jin, and he doesn't even look surprised.

We watch as they go into a classroom and shut the door. "I'm not even mad, is that weird", Jin says, smiling at me. I rub my thumb over his cheek. "I left to get away from you", I confess. His eyes go wide, and I watch his lip quiver. "From me", he asks, getting upset. I take his hand and lead him to the row of chairs. "Not necessarily from you, but from my feelings for you", I finally say after all these years.

"Excuse me, what", he asks. "You heard me, I ran like a coward from my feelings", I say. "Your feelings, what feelings", he asks confused. "You are so dense sometimes. My feelings for you Seokjin. I am in love with you, I have been since high school. I left after graduation because I thought you were going to marry Jungkook and live happily ever after", I explain. He is speechless, his mouth is hanging open and he hasn't moved. "You love me, like love me. Like love me for real real", he asks. 

I laugh, "yes Jin, I love you for real real." That's when the tears start to run down his cheeks. "Why are you crying Jwan", I say wiping them away. "Why didn't you tell me, I dated Jungkook because I didn't think you'd ever see as more than a best friend, so I turned to him", Jin says thru sobs. "What, you had feelings for me, since when", I ask surprised. "Like sophomore year", he says shyly. "What happened with you and Jungkook", I ask. "I dumped him at the football game. If you would have stuck around, you would have known that", Jin sniffles. 

"I am so sorry that I ran and never looked back. I knew if I stayed, Id get my heart broke seeing you two together. Especially knowing he cheated on you", I say. "How do you know that", he asks. "Yon told me. I wasn't sure I should believe her, but she was really convincing. I was afraid to tell you in case it wasn't true, and that you wouldn't believe me. I'm really sorry", I sigh. "Dont be. I probably wouldn't have listened", he says. I take him in my arms and hold him. 

He leans away from me to look at me. Crashing his lips to mine, I gladly reciprocate. When we pull away to breathe, we start to laugh. "I am so mad at you, we have lost so many years together", he says smiling. "I know, I am mad at myself. I could tell you everything but that", I say. "We should get back out there, you owe me a dance", Jin says. Holding hands we walk back to the gym to have our first dance. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull him close, burying my face into his neck. 

"I have missed your smell", I whisper. "You like my smell", he giggles. "I always have. You always smelled so good", I say. "Whats going on here", we hear Jungkook say. Jin pulls away from me and glares at Jungkook. "You better find Yon, she may get jealous to see you talking to me. Besides you are disturbing my dance with my boyfriend. We had fun Kook, but I love Tae and I always have. I hope we can be friends at least", Jin says sliding back into my arms and kissing me. 



5 years later

 "You sure you are up for this. You want to see all those people again", Taehyung asks, wrapping his arm around me. "Stop it, they aren't that bad. Besides Jimin and Hobi are have been bother me all week, asking when we would be there so they can spoil the kids", I say turning in his arms. I push his hair behind his ear, "I love you Voo." "I love you too Jwan", he says against my lips. "15 year reunion, can you believe it", I say, resting my forehead against his. "And you dont look a day over 16 ", Tae says. I giggle, "so cheesy. But thank you love. Neither do you."

"There's my niece and nephew", Jimin squeals as we walk into my parents house. Our 4 year old twins run to Jimin and Hoseok while I hug my mom and dad. We adopted our babies 3 years ago, they are going to stay with my parents while we go to the reunion. My parents hug Taehyung next, they were so happy when we finally stopped acting dumb and got together. "I'm just going to stay home with them", Hoseok says cuddling Ella in his arms. While Jimin plays trucks with Eli on the floor, "I agree." 

"No no, you all go and have fun", my dad says. Hobi and Jimin pout, but they get up and follow us outside. "PRE GAME", Hoseok yells. I laugh and drive us to a bar not far from the school. "I can't believe they are having it in the school again. Cheapskates can't afford a nice place", Jimin says.  After eating our weight in appetizers and beer, we head to the reunion. Its doesnt look much different than it did 5 years ago. We greet the usual people and drink the watery punch. Tae holds my hand and when I feel it tighten, I look at him concerned.

When I notice what he is looking at, I smile. "Voo, you dont ever have to worry about him", I say in his ear. "I know", he says shyly. Jungkook sees us and walks over, shaking Tae's hand and hugging me. "Hey Kook, you look great. Where is that wife of yours", I ask. "Oh yea, we divorced. I dont think she is coming. She is on vacation with her new boyfriend", he says. "Oh, I am so sorry", I say. He shrugs, "is what it is. You two look great, how's the kiddos." "Growing like weeds", Taehyung says still holding my hand. 

After Jungkook walks away I grab Tae and pull him into my arms. "Dance with me Voo', I ask. "Always, my love", he says. "Remember when we were kids and had the brilliant idea of TPing the principal's office but could never get into it without the key", I ask him. "We were so crazy thinking we could get away with it", he says laughing. Reaching into my pocket I pull the silver treasure out and show Tae. "Is that what I think it is", he asks. "It sure is and I remember where the supply closet too", I tell him. 

"I knew there was reason I fell in love with you", Tae says taking my hand and pulling me out of the gym.


I think I lost the story a bit there in the middle. I hope you still liked it. Love you guys, thank you for all the support!!!

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