This Can't Happen (end)

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A/N Not my artwork above, but it fits! If the creator wants me to remove, please ask. 


Before leaving Jin's office, we promised each other that from now on, it was only us and that he would take care of his business at home. For the next couple weeks, he would come spend a few nights with me at my place, and we non-stop texted each other. "What time are coming over", I ask him while we were talking on the phone. "In about an hour, I am finishing up some things in my office. I miss you, I can't wait to see you", he says. My face heats, "I miss you too baby, hurry I need to see you."

I want to surprise him, so I start a nice dinner for us, but after waiting hours, he is a no-show. I text and call him but there was no answer. I start to pace, wondering where he could be. Did he change his mind about us, is he going to stay with her. Finally, after more than two hours my phone rings and I see Jin's name on the screen. "Where are you", I ask worriedly. "Taehyung, this is Jisoo, Jin's wife. I wanted to invite you over for dinner", she asks.

I can't believe I am sitting outside his house right now, on an invitation from his wife. I should turn around and go home, wait for Jin to come to me, but I don't. I get out of the car and walk to the house, bottle of wine in hand. When I ring the bell, Jin answers the door. "I am so sorry for this, she took my phone and went thru it", he whispers. I see the look in his eyes, he is afraid of what will happen tonight, but it doesn't stop him from leaning over to quickly kiss me. "I love only you, remember that", he whispers.

"Welcome Taehyung, I hope you like chicken, I made Jin's favorite tonight. I am Jisoo", she says holding out her hand to me. "It's nice to finally meet you", I say. "Oh, does that mean Jin talks about me a lot", she asks hopeful. I look at Jin and see him roll his eyes, I just laugh. "Dinner is ready, come eat boys", she calls. I push Jin's hair off his forehead before walking into the kitchen and whisper, "I love you baby." "I hope so, after all this is over", he whispers back.

I sat across from Jin while Jisoo sat next to him, making sure I see her touching him every chance she gets. Something is up. She knows something. What did she see in his phone, what did he tell her. She talked on and on about how they met and fell in love. "We are trying for a baby", she gloates. Jins eyes go wide, and I see the horror in them. "Jisoo, stop it, Taehyung doesn't want to hear all this", he scolds her.

She coweres a bit at the bite in his tone. "I'm sorry. I'm going downstairs to grab dessert out of the freezer, I'll be right back", she says. When she stands, she knocks her wine glass over and onto my lap. "Oh my gosh, I am so clumsy", she says, grabbing napkins and throwing them at me. "Enough, just go. I will take care of him", Jin says angrily. She runs out of the room crying. "Come on, I'll give you some sweatpants", he says taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

Once we are in his bedroom, he grabs my face and crashes his lips to mine. "Fuck Jin", I say pulling him closer. He unbuttons my pants and pushes them down my thighs. I push him against the bedroom door and yank his pants off. "Wrap your legs around my waist", I tell him. I lick my fingers and rub my cock, "you sure about this, your wife is downstairs." "Do it, I need you. Sitting across from you all night and not being able to touch you was killing me", he says. I grab his ass cheeks and spread them, allowing my cock to breech his tight hole. "Ahh, fuck", he whispers into my shoulder.

"Jin, Tae, I have dessert, where are you", we hear Jisoo yell upstairs. "I'm close baby", I say quietly. "Me too, cum inside of me, I want to feel you all night", he says. His dirty mouth makes me lose it as I release into him. His cum hitting my stomach at the same time. I set him on his feet as we try to catch our breath. "We are coming, Tae is changing", Jin says, trying not to laugh at the innuendo. I grab the sweatpants and slip them on, grabbing my soiled pants from the floor. Jin finishes getting dressed, grabs my face, and kisses me deeply. "I love you so fucking much", he says. "I love you too, no matter what", I pledge.

Once we are back downstairs, she passes out plates with cake on them. We eat in silence until I set my plate down. "I think I'm going to go. It's getting late", I say, grabbing my stuff. "Thank you for coming", Jisoo says. Jin walks to the front door, but before I leave the living room, Jisoo speaks softly. "Do you love him", she says quietly. I look at her and without missing a beat, "more than anything." I turn my back on her and head for the front door. Jin grabs my waist and pulls me to him for a hug. "You are mine Jin, you always will be", I say. He looks at me before releasing me, "always."


I watch him walk to his car. My heart, and my body belong to him, I should be walking out with him. Shutting the door, I steel my spine, "Jisoo, we need to talk." I walk back into the living room, and she is sitting on the couch. "Sit down Seokjin", she says. "I can't stay here, Jisoo. I can't stay with someone I dont love", I say. "I know, and I don't want to be with someone who I dont love either", she says, starting to cry.

"Excuse me", I ask, confused. "Your dad offered to pay for my education if I went to your school and seduced you", she says. "Why would he do that", I ask. "To keep you away from Taehyung. He knows how you really feel about him", she says. I stand and start to pace, not knowing what to feel, wanting to punch something. 8 years of lies, 8 years away from the only one I truly love. "I have to go. I'll come back for my stuff later", I say heading for the front door. "Seokjin", she calls out. I turn to look at her. "Please know that I am truly sorry, and that I really did want to be with you", she says. I nod and walk out, not knowing what to say to her. I am furious, but I need to be with Taehyung more than anything.

Standing outside his door, I am hesitant to knock. What if he doesn't really want me. I take a deep breath, and knock. A few moments later, the door opens, and Tae stands there, a smile on his face. "Hi gorgeous", he says. "Hi baby", I breathe. He pulls me into his home and into his arms, "are you here to stay." I nod, burying my face into his neck. "Can I stay forever, I left her. She never even loved me, my dad bribed her to be with me", I explain. "You better stay forever, I have missed too much time with you already", he says, kissing the breath out of me.

3 years later


"Good morning, gorgeous", I say, picking up our son from his crib. Looking into those big brown eyes and seeing that beautiful boxy smile is like looking at my husband. We used a surrogate with Taehyung's sperm and our little Mi-reu looks exactly like his daddy. Arms wrap around my waist, "how's my two favorite people." "Hungry", I say. He laughs, "I'll make you both breakfast. Gotta keep my babies happy."

After changing Mi's diaper, we head downstairs to see Namjoon and Jimin sitting at the breakfast table. I greet them both and hand Mi to Jimin so I could join my husband in the kitchen. "Namjoon said your dad has been asking about you. He wants you to go back to the church", Tae says. I hold him from behind while he cooks, resting my chin on his shoulder. "I don't care what he wants, I wrote him off when I found out what he did", I say kissing his neck.

 He turns in my arms, crashing his lips to mine. "I never thought I could be this happy. 12 years ago I was the new kid in town and a gorgeous guy became my best friend and my biggest crush", he says, kissing me again. "Now he's my husband. Everyone said this couldn't happen, but here we are, happy, with a beautiful baby boy", he says just as Mi-reu starts crying. I laugh, kissing him again. I grab baby boy's bottle and head into the living room.


I watch him walk out, and my heart is so full. He is my everything, he always has been. He walks back in holding our son while he feeds him. I wrap my arms around them both, "thank you, thank you for loving me, thank you for everything." He smiles, leaning over to kiss me, "thank you for being patient and waiting for me."

"With true love, anything can happen", I say.


A/N Not feeling to good about the ending. But I hope you still like it. Love you guys, you always put up with my sappt plots and bad endings. 🥰😉💜

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