Bad Romance (End)

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Author POV

"He thinks he can just tell me that Seokjin is perfection and the best he's ever had, we'll see about that", Lily says to herself. Standing by her bedroom mirror, her hand balled into a fist, she punches herself in the cheek. She repeats it till her lip is split and blood starts to run from her mouth. Smiling to herself in the mirror with an evil grin, she turns when she hears the door open.

"Oh Bogum, you are here", Lily says, crying. "What happened, who did this to you", he asks, holding her in his arms. "Jungkook did this, but please don't hurt him, he didn't mean it, he gets so jealous sometimes", she whines. "Baby, I can't let him get away with this, your mouth is bloody and swollen", he says kissing her forehead. She rolls her eyes and smiles without him seeing it, "what can you do to him, you know he is really strong." "Don't you worry baby, I will take care of him", Bogum says.


I get up off of the floor, my heart broken in a million pieces. I knew from the beginning something was off, why didn't I listen to my gut, he used me. I fell in love, and he used me. God, I am an idiot. I throw away the food I was making, no longer hungry, just wanting to crawl under my covers and hide away from everything. Great idea until someone rings my doorbell.

"Jimin, come on in", I say, letting him in. "Hey, are you okay, you have been crying", he says hugging me. "I'm fine", I say. "It's Jungkook, isn't it", he asks. "Why do you say that", I sigh. "Because he looks even worse than you. I saw him at the school, he said he was waiting for me, wanted me to give this too you", he says pulling something out of his backpack.

"It's his sketchbook, why is he giving it to me", I sniffle. He shrugs, "just said it explains everything and that he hopes you forgive him." I scoff, "whatever, thanks Jimin." "No problem, I have to go, but I'll text you later and check on you", he hugs me again. I look at the book in my hand, wondering what Jungkook is trying to do.

Sitting on the couch, opening the book. The first couple of pages are sketches of me, red hearts drawn over the page on one, and on another, he drew me smiling. I remember when he started this one, he had me laughing so hard, and he wouldn't stop talking about how beautiful I am. As I keep flipping pages, I see a picture of Lily dressed all in red with devil horns, and underneath he writes how she wanted to ruin me for Taehyung, how she was going to use Jungkook to do it and how Bogum would play a huge part in all of it as well. 

His last entry is written specifically to me...


My stepsister is pure evil, she has controlled me from the first day I was introduced to her. She is abusive mentally, and physically and I am ashamed to say I am not strong enough to fight her, especially when she uses sex as a weapon. If I ever deny her wants, she will tell her father and I will be punished. I am so sorry Seokjin, I have fallen so hard for you, and I knew what I was doing was wrong, but if I dont win this bet, she will own me and make my life hell. I'll understand if you can never forgive me, but I wanted you to know the truth.

Love, Jungkook

Looking thru the rest of his sketch book, I see all the cruel stuff Lily has done to other people, but I also see Jungkook's other drawings. He has such an amazing talent, his drawings are so beautiful. I feel the tears in my eyes again, I hate myself for feeling sorry for him, but I do. I hear my phone ringing, looking at the screen I see Yoongi's name.

"Hello", I answer. "Jin, get to the hospital now, Jungkook was hit by a car", Yoongi says.

Running into the hospital, I ask the lady at the desk about Jungkook, she tells me he is in surgery. "Jin", I hear Yoongi's voice. I follow him into the waiting room, "what happened." "We were walking to basketball practice, and crossing the street, a car came speeding right at us, Jk pushed me out of the way, but he got hit head on", Yoongi explains. "Did the driver stop", I ask. "No, just kept going, whoever hit him, meant to do it", Yoongi says.

I pace the waiting room, worrying because I haven't heard anything yet and it's been hours. "Jin, he asked for you", Yoongi says. I stare at him, waiting for him to finish. "After it happened, he was laying there while we waited for the ambulance. He wanted you, that's why I called", he explains. I'm trying to be strong, but the tears come so easily for this man, "family of Jungkook."

Walking into his room, beeps and blips come from the machines he's hooked up too. His leg is in a cast up to his hip, and his face is bruised and scratched. I push the hair off his forehead and kiss him, so he knows I am here. The door opens and the doctor comes, "he should wake up soon, he is still coming out from under the anesthesia, he doesn't have any head injuries, just the cuts on his face. His legs took most of the impact, the one in the cast we had to put a steel rod in because his femur was completely shattered." 

I gasp, "thank you doctor for letting me be with him." "Well, being his fiancé, you are considered family", he says patting my shoulder.  I didn't want him to see the confusion on my face so I looked back at Jungkook, fiancé, did Yoongi tell them that so that I could be with him. Taking his hand again, I wonder where his family is.

"Jin, you're here", Jungkook says weakly. "Hey, are you in any pain, should I get the doctor", I say taking his hand again. "No, I'm just really happy you are here", he brings my hand to his lips. "Who did this to you", I ask. He tries to move but groans in pain. "Be careful, don't try to move", I tell him. "It was Bogum, the driver of the car, I saw him right before he hit me", he says. "Oh my god Jungkook, why would he do that", I ask. "He has been sleeping with Lily, I think she put him up to it", he explains.

I press my forehead to his, "please Jin, tell me you forgive me, forgive me for being an asshole." "I forgive you Jungkook and she will pay for everything she has done to you", I threaten. He raises his hands to my face, and pulls me down to kiss him. "I love you, Jin, he breathes against my lips. "I love you too Jungkook", I say.

I stayed with Jungkook until he fell back to sleep, then I texted Jimin and had him meet at the coffee house on campus. Before leaving the hospital, I informed the nurses that I didn't want anyone in Jungkook's room until I returned.  "Over here Jin", Jimin says waving at me. "Thanks for meeting me", I say. "How is Jungkook", he asks handing me a coffee. "He'll be okay. I wanted to ask if you'll help me ruin Lily's life", I ask. "Hell yea, that uber bitch has made all of our lives miserable, what do you have in mind", he asks smiling wickedly. Yoongi rushes into the coffee shop, "I found out just now that Lily will be speaking in front of the school tomorrow, asking if anyone saw who hit Jungkook."

After putting our plan together, I head back to the hospital to find police talking to Jungkook. I stand beside his bed and take his hand. He smiles up at me and then turns back to the police. "Mr. Jeon, you are sure you saw this man driving the car", the officer says, holding up a picture. "I'm positive, I looked him right in his eyes", Jungkook says. They finish taking his statement and leave, "how are you feeling." He pulls my hand so that my face is close to his, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. "A lot better now", he purrs.

The next day, I have Yoongi standing in the back of the auditorium with his phone. The student body files in, and as they do, I hand them printouts of Jungkook's list of offenses Lily has committed, telling everybody, "please read." Grumbles and gasps can already be heard throughout the room, and when Lily takes the stage looking all bereft and upset, the room is already buzzing. "Good morning", she says trying to sound sad, yet she is dressed like she just stepped off the runway. "BOO, get off the stage", someone yells. Others chime in, some people stand and leave, another throws their Frappuccino on her.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING", she screams. The door flies open and two cops walk in, one arresting Bogum, the other arresting Lily. "You can't do this to me, don't you know who I am", she cries. "You are being arrested for murder for hire, paying someone to kill your step brother", the officer says. Watching her being dragged away took a great weight off my shoulders.

Yoongi showed Jungkook the video, "unbelievable." He looks at me and holds out his hand, which I take. "You did that for me", he asks. "Yes, and everyone else she has wronged", I tell him. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me, "I think you might actually love me." I shrug, "maybe a little bit." "Before you, I didn't care about anyone but myself, but then you came along, and showed me what real love is. Promise me that you will love me forever and on our wedding day, you will dance with only me", he says with tears in his eyes.

"I promise", I say.

The end!! 

Love you guys, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Some of you hit the mark, I based the story on Dangerous Liaisons and/or Cruel Intentions.

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