The Boyfriend Project

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"Are you almost ready to go Jinnie", Jimin yells. "Coming", I say making sure the ovens are off. He waits by the front door as I turn off the lights. Stepping outside into the cool night air, I take in a deep breath filling my lungs. Jimin locks the door, and we head to my car. On the way to Jimin's house my phone rings, "holy shit, its Hoseok." "JINNIE", he screams into the phone. "Long time no talk. How are you", I ask him. "Amazing, I am getting married, and I want you to be a groomsman. Please say yes", he asks excitedly. "Uh yea, I'd be honored", I say. He squeals, "this is awesome, I will call you later with all the details. Thank you Jinnie, I love you", he says hanging up. 

"That was weird. Who was that", Jimin asks. "My best friend growing up. We were best friends from 2nd grade all the way thru college. After we graduated, he was offered a fancy job on the other side of the country. We keep in touch but aren't as close as we used to be", I explain. "What's wrong, you don't look happy he asked", Jimin asks. I sigh deeply, "after Ji-Sub left me, he moved to the same town as Hoseok, and they became best friends. Even though Hoseok knew how he treated me, he still welcomed him in."

"So, you think Ji-Sub will be there", Jimin asks. "I'd guarantee it. Last I heard he was engaged", I say. "Jin, you should take someone, make him jealous", Jimin says excitedly. "Who the hell am I going to take. I haven't dated anyone since Ji-Sub", I say laughing. "Good point. Hey what about Jungkook, he is single and hot AF", he says wiggling his eyebrows. I giggle, "I can't ask him to be my boyfriend, he is straight, as a ruler I might add." "Ask him, the worst he will say is no. After me he is your bestest friend", he argues. 

After dropping Jimin off, I head back home still debating with myself if I should ask Jungkook to be my fake boyfriend. He really is a great friend. I am so lucky to have him in my life. He came into the restaurant one day looking so sad and defeated, he just found his girlfriend and his ex-best friend having sex in his apartment. We talked for hours and after that day he came in everyday to see me and we would talk about anything and everything. After a couple weeks he came in and told me that his ex kicked him out the apartment and moved his ex-best friend in instead. That's how we became roommates.

He is the sweetest guy I know, and if he wasn't straight, he would totally be my type. Black hair, deep brown, almost black eyes, a body that does not quit and a smile that could melt an iceberg. I have trained myself to behave around him and not show my interest. The last thing I want to do is make him uncomfortable or for him to think I am creepy. When I walk into the house, I hear music playing. Jungkook is floating in the pool, eyes closed, singing with a beer in his hand. He hasn't noticed me yet so I take a quick second to soak up the sight before me.

Tan skin, washboard abs and a bulge in his swim trunks that makes my mouth water. In all the time we have lived together, we have never accidently seen each other naked, but if it ever happened, I wouldn't complain. I slowly walk back into the living room so that he doesn't catch me staring and go to my room to change so I can start dinner. After a quick shower I head into the kitchen and find something to make us. "Hey, when did you get home", Jungkook asks walking into the kitchen. "About 30 minutes ago. Were you in the pool", I ask playing dumb. 

He nods and pops a cherry tomato in his mouth. "Hungry", I ask. "Starving, I am going to change", he says. With him leaving I can build my courage back up to ask him, because seeing him shirtless made my whole brain go numb. When he comes back in, he leans against the kitchen counter. "Need help", he asks. "Uh no, I'm good but I do have a crazy favor to ask you. It's okay if you say no, I won't be mad", I nervously spit out. He laughs, "I'm intrigued now, what is the favor." 

"Would you pretend to be my boyfriend for a friend's wedding", I ask quickly.  He stops chewing and looks at me like I just grew another head. I knew this was a bad idea, he is going to hate me now. "Sure, when is it", he asks. "Wh-what, you'll go with me and pretend to be my boyfriend", I ask stunned. "Yea of course, but why do you need a fake boyfriend", he asks. "Do you remember me telling you about Ji-Sub. He is most likely going to be there, and I heard that he is engaged", I explain. "That asshole, hell yea I will help you. I will be the best fake boyfriend you ever had", he says. 

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