Life, Love, and Lies

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"Baby, wake up. We have a busy day today", Eun Woo says, kissing Jin's forehead. Jin stretches and smiles, "good morning gorgeous." "I've told you a million times, you are the gorgeous one, I am the funny one", he says. He leans down and kisses Jin, "I love you baby." "I love you too", I say. After showering and getting dressed, Jin and Eun head downstairs for breakfast. "Jimin and Hoba are on their way over to help me get everything ready for tonight", Jin says, pouring a cup of coffee. "I'm glad you will have help, I have to go to the office before I leave tonight, but I wont be long", Eun says. 

"Jinnie, I have so many ideas, lets gets started", Hoseok says when I open the front door. "He will not shut up, all the way here this is what I've had to listen too", Jimin says laughing. Jin hugs them both and leads them to the kitchen, "everything is in the second bedroom, where do we start." A few hours later, they have all the decorations hung and now start on all the food. "BABE, IM HOME", Eun calls out. "IN HERE", Jin yells back. "Its smells amazing in here", he says, walking in Kissing Jin and greeting Jimin and Hoseok. 

"The house looks amazing too, you guys did a great job", Eun says. "We are exhausted, we will need a nap before the party. Speaking of which, we are going to go and get ready, we will be back in a few hours", Jimin says. "I will be in my office, I need to make a phone call", Eun says, kissing Jin. When he is done he finds Jin curled up on their bed fast asleep. After letting Jin sleep for a few hours, he wakes him up to get ready. Eun looks at his beautiful husband as he gets ready for the annual Christmas party.

He wraps his arms around him, "how did I get so lucky." "Right place at the right time, I guess", Jin teases. Eun laughs, "that is right. You look so gorgeous by the way." "So do you baby, lets go greet our guests", Jin says. The party is a hit as always, Jimin brought his husband Namjoon and Hoseok brought his husband Yoongi. "This place looks great you guys", Yoongi says hugging his husband. "And the food is delicious", Namjoon adds. "That's all Jinnie, our  resident chef", Hoseok jokes. 

The piano music starts to fill the room and everybody turns to see Eun Woo playing. Jin's smile is megawatt, watching his husband play Christmas carols. "Ugh Eun Woo, the perfect specimen of a man", Jimin says, rolling his eyes. Jin punches his arm, "jealous much." He walks away laughing and stands by his husband, singing along to the music. When Eun stops playing he takes Jin hand and gets everyone's attention. 

"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight, unfortunately I need to leave to catch a flight to Japan. But I want you all to stay and keep my husband from missing me to much", Eun kisses Jin's temple and they leave the room. Upstairs Eun holds Jin, "I will miss you so much." "Text me all the time okay", Jin asks. "I will. I love you baby", Eun says. "I love you too", Jin says. Eun reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a dark red envelope. "Don't open till Christmas", he teases. 

Jin watches as Eun's cab drives away. "There goes your perfect, rich, gorgeous husband. How long is he gone this time", Jimin asks. "Two weeks", Jin says sadly. "Don't worry, Hoba  and I will keep you so busy you wont even have time to miss him", Jimin says. "I think I want to start writing again", Jin says. "That is a great idea, I love it", Jimin says, side hugging Jin. "Lets go back to the party", Jin says smiling widely. Everybody is dancing and singing, the music is so loud Jin barely hears the doorbell. He opens it to see two policemen.

Hoseok comes to the front door and finds Jin on the floor crying. "Oh my god, Jin what happened", he asks, wrapping Jin in his arms. "He's gone Hobi, he's gone", Jin cries. Hobi looks at the two men at the door. "Mr. Cha was in an accident, his taxi was hit in an intersection. He didn't survive", one of the policemen say. Jin howls and hangs on to Hobi for dear life. Seconds later Jimin and Namjoon are there and Hobi explains what happened. Namjoon picks Jin up into his arms and carries him to his room while Hobi tells everyone its time to go.

2 Weeks later

"The funeral was beautiful Seokjin", Mrs. Cha says holding his hand. He nods in agreement but dont say anything after. He hasn't eaten or slept since the accident and Jimin and Hobi have moved in with him so that he isn't alone. After everybody leaves, Jimin and Hobi help Jin clean up. "I have to go see the lawyer tomorrow", he says. "About the will", Jimin asks. "Yea", Jin says sounding exhausted. "That seems quick. Do you need one of us to come with you", Hoseok asks. "No, I will be okay, thank you though. Lets go watch a movie", he says. 

A few minutes later Jimin notices Jin is asleep on the couch. He covers him with a blanket and kisses his head, "you are going to be okay Jinnie, you'll see."  The next day Jin is sitting in the lawyers office waiting for him to arrive. "Seokjin, I am so sorry I am late, court ran longer than it should have", he says sitting behind his desk. "Its okay, I understand", Jin says. "I am so sorry about why we are meeting today, how have you been", the lawyer asks. "One day at a time", Jin says. He nods, "okay so here is a copy of the will if you want to read along."


"Who is this", I ask pointing out a name on the paper. "Riku Kimura. I have him listed as Eun Woo's cousin", the lawyer says. "He doesn't have any cousins, his parents are only children", I explain. "That's odd. I can do some more digging into him if you want. What are you going to do about the condo in Japan. Sell it or rent it out", he asks. "What condo in Japan", I ask stunned. "Jesus Eun", the lawyer says under his breath. "I need some air. I'm going to take this home and read it. I'll contact you", I say getting up and walking out.

At home I can't relax, something doesn't seem right. Why would Eun have a condo and not tell me. "Hey babes, what did the lawyer say", Jimin asks. "Eun was hiding shit from me. He has a condo in Japan that I was never told about", I tell him. "Damn, really. That's fucking shady", he says, pulling a candle out of a bag. "Got a lighter, I want to light this", he asks. "In the drawer", I point. "Hey, isn't this your Christmas card from Eun", Jimin says handing it to me. I forgot all about it. I take it and turn it over and over in my hands.

"Open it, I am sure its just him confessing his undying love for you", Jimin says. I open the envelope and pull out a beautiful Christmas card, opening it and reading it.

My Dearest Seokjin,

Please know that I love you with all my heart, but I thought you should know that I have found someone else. We are willing to include you, but you have to finally make a decision if you will accept an open relationship or not.

All my love,


To be continued...

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