The Bet (End)

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I remember him mentioning he was a musician, so after he fell asleep wrapped around me, I put my earbuds in, and google him. He has such a beautiful voice, but then I start seeing headlines and pictures of the countless people he is rumored to be with. Magazine articles calling him Korea's biggest player. Am I just another notch in his bed post, but why would he tell me he is falling for me if I was a one-night stand. Maybe that's how he gets people into bed. I ask myself, why me when he has had actresses and actors, musicians, and even his own lawyer giving it to him. 

The next morning, Jungkook isn't in bed with me when I wake up. Slipping on some sweatpants, I head downstairs and find him in the kitchen, making breakfast. "Smells good", I say, sitting down at the table. He places a cup of coffee in front me, "I listened to some of your music last night." He turns and looks at me, confused. "I couldn't sleep", I confess. "And," he asks looking nervous. "You have a very beautiful voice, I love your music", I say shyly.

The smile that splits his face is radiant. "Why are you here and not back home making music", I ask him. "I had a bit of a scandal", he says. "Scandal", I ask. "Two guys drugged me and filmed us having sex", he says looking embarrassed. "Were they arrested", I ask. "No, no proof they drugged me", Jungkook says setting a plate of food in front of me. "Thank you, this looks really good", I say. "Thanks, eat up", he says sitting across from me. 

"You didn't go to the hospital for a blood test or anything", I ask. "No, my agent Yoongi wanted me out of town quickly, so the thought never crossed my mind", he explains. "I need to stop at Jimin's before the farmers market, Joon asked for another order of hamburger buns", I say. After we shower together and have sex again, we head out to the restaurant with everything we will need today. "Morning you two", Jimin winks. I feel my cheeks heat up, "come on in back Jin." 


I sit at the counter and Joe comes out front. "Morning, so how is our little bet going, I think I am going to win", he says confidently. "I dont think so", I say. not wanting to give to much away. "Oh, so you did hit it, Jin gave it up. Good for you Jungkook", he says slapping my shoulder and walks to the kitchen. I turn on the stool and see Jai standing there, a smug smile on his face. "How much did you hear", I ask nervously. "Enough", he says with an evil smile. 

Jin walks out and sees us staring at each other. "What are you doing here Jai", he asks annoyed. "I was here to get my morning latte, but today I got a whole lot more", he says sneering at me. "What are you talking about", he asks him. "Ask your boyfriend", he says. Jin looks at me, "what's he talking about." "Jin, everything that has happened is all real for me, and everything I said has been the truth", I say panicking. Jin looks between Jai and I, confused. "You were a bet, he doesn't care about you. He bet Joe that he could fuck you", he gloats. 

Jin's eyes widen as he looks at me. Tears spill down his cheeks and he turns and runs. I glare at Jai and before I know what I am doing, I punch him. "Jungkook, tell me it isn't true", Jimin asks. I turn to see him behind me, tears in his eyes, "I told you to stay away from him." "I COULDN'T, okay. I couldn't. I have never before in my life felt for anyone the way I feel for Jin", I cry. Jimin wraps his arms around me, "you need to fix this, he can't handle another heartbreak." I hug him to me, "I know, I love him Jimin." 

Over the next couple days Jin refuses to speak to me or see me. I am going crazy not being able to explain to him what happened and tell him that I am in love with him. When I walk downstairs to the restaurant I see Yoongi talking with JImin. "What are you doing here", I ask him. "I've come to take you home, the scandal is long forgotten", he says. "No, I have something to do here first", I say walking away. I sit at one of the tables with my notepad and my guitar. I am going to get him back if its the last thing I ever do. 

The next day I corner Namjoon in the back room, "I need a favor, please call Jin and tell him you need an order filled." "What if he asks if your here", he asks. "Dont lie, just tell him that I am around here somewhere", I say. "Fine", he says sighing. I hug him quickly and head back out to the front of the restaurant. "Kook, he will be here in about thirty minutes", Joon says. Excitedly, I place a stool in the corner of the room, and hide until Jin comes in. I am trying to calm my nerves, I really hope this works. 

I see him walk in, looking around like he might be looking for me. Disappointment on his face gives me butterflies, does he want to see me. Once he is in the back with Joon, I set myself on the stool and strum my guitar, getting everyone's attention. When Jin finally walks back out front, I begin.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I came to this little town trying to run away from my demons. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I know that I can't go back to change anything, but I can start making better choices for my future."

I see Jin looking at me, he is listening and that is all that matters, so I keep going. 

"One of the best choices I have made since coming here, is falling in love. Utterly, completely, and hopelessly in love. Unfortunately, it didn't start out that way and I made one of those mistakes I am so good at. But none of this means anything if my apology falls on deaf ears. So, I wrote a song about the love of my life, and I am hoping he will listen with an open heart." I look at him and say to him what he said to me once.

"Just breathe baby, just breathe for me, only for me."

I start to strum my guitar and looking back at Jin, I see the tears shining on his cheeks. 

Practiced all my sins

Never gonna let me win, uh huh.

Under everything Just another human being, uh huh

Yeah, you don't want to hurt and there's so much in this world to make you bleed.

Stay with me

Let's just breathe.

Did I say that I need you?

Did I say that I want you?

Oh, if I didn't, I'm a fool, you see, No one knows this more than me. 

As I come clean , uh huh.

I stop singing because I see him walking over to me. "I am so sorry baby, it did start out as a bet, but after getting to know you, and all the fun we had. I forgot all about that stupid bet, I just didn't think of saying anything to Joe. I was so wrapped up in you that I wasn't in this for anything but you. You make me feel like I am normal, not some rockstar that needs to prove himself. Just being able to be myself around you made me finally see the real me, and the real me loves all of you", I plead.

Tears fall from his eyes and when I pull him to me, he doesn't pull away. He wraps his arms around me and holds me. "Please forgive me Seokjin, I dont think I can be away from you, ever", I say sniffling into his shoulder. He giggles and pulls back to look at me, "drama queen." "Don't tease me", I pout. He places his hands on my face and kisses my lips, "I forgive you, but dont ever hurt me again. Because I hate being away from you too." 

Everybody in the restaurant clapped and cheered and we couldn't help but to laugh. I push the hair off his forehead, "I never laughed like this, until I met you. You make me a better person Seokjin, I love you so damn much." "I love you too Jungkook, now kiss me so I can go kick Joe's ass", he says smirking. "JOE RUN", I yell and we see his eyes go wide. He runs to the back and Jin chases him.

I shake my head, laughing knowing I better go help him. Because I never would have fallen in love with Jin, if it wasn't for him. "JOE I AM COMING", I say running after them.

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