This Cant Happen(2)

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6 years later

"Let us pray, Amen," I say to the congregation. People start to make their way out of the church, I say goodbye and shake hands. "Baby, the service was so good today," Jisoo says, hugging me. I shake her off and end up running into my father. "Good job son, you really held everyone's interest today," he says. I roll my eyes and walk away, not wanting to hear his bullshit. I walk into my office and shut the door, locking it.

My phone pings with a message.

Joon - Reunion this weekend, I'll pick you up Friday night.

Jin - Reunion?

Joon - College, a bunch of us are meeting up at a beach house for the weekend, and I know you want to get away from dad and that fake ass wife of yours.

Jin - He'll be there, won't he.

Joon - He will, and I know you are dying to see him.

I sigh, my brother knows me better than anyone, and he knows how I truly feel. My life isn't my own. I became a pastor for my father, I married a woman I don't love for the church. I left in the middle of the night, leaving behind the only person I have ever truly loved, and I know he hates me.

Jin - I'll be ready on Friday

"Do you have to go?" Jisoo whines. "Yes, Namjoon will be here in a minute," I tell her. When I hear his car horn, I kiss her forehead and leave. I hug Jimin when I get into the car, "Who has the babies this weekend."My parents have them," Jimin says. "You okay, little brother," Namjoon asks, looking at me in the rear view mirror. "He hates me, and I know he is going to avoid me this weekend," I say sadly. "Jinnie, you are way too hard to avoid, and that boy has been in love with you since the day you met," Joon says.

After being shown to our rooms and unpacking, the three of us head to the outdoor patio where everyone is gathering. I say hi to a bunch of people I used to hang out with when I see him. He is standing awfully close to a guy I don't recognize, and he has his hands on him. The guy leans in to kiss him, but I make sure that doesn't happen. "TAEHYUNG," I growl. His eyes go wide when he sees me and pushes the guy away. "What the hell, who is this?" the guy asks Tae. He hasn't taken his eyes off of me yet, like he can't believe I'm standing right here. "He's my best friend, please leave us, we need a minute," he asks the guy.

The guy stomps away. "I can't believe you are here," Tae says. All I can do is stare at him. He is still so gorgeous, and my heart is beating out of my chest. "You had no right to interrupt me and that guy,"  he says. "I had every right," I stammer. "You are married, remember, and I don't need a babysitter. I have been doing just fine all by myself", he spits back. I grab his wrist and pull him to a back room. "Taehyung, don't you miss me at all," I whine. "Are fucking serious right now Seokjin, that's ALL I do, every minute of every day is miss you", he says.

Tears spring to my eyes, "I don't love her Tae, I don't, this marriage is the biggest joke and I am the fool who went along with it." "Why now, you had your chance with me all through college and the one time we got close, you ran", he asks. "All my life I was told it is a sin, my brother was an outcast because he loves a man, I was scared. I'm not scared any more Taehyung, I know what I want and it's you, us", I explain.

"But," he says. I look at him confused. "There is a but after that statement, what is it," he says, deadpan. I scrub my hand over my face, "I don't know if I can leave her." He sighs, "then why are you here wasting my time when I could be getting laid right now, go home Jin, this is no place for a straight church boy", I grab his arm as he tries to walk by me. "Don't call me that, and the only person you will be laying is me, do you understand that", I growl.

He gasps, eyes wide, searching my face for any sign of joking. "I won't be your dirty secret Jin, it's either you are all in, or I am walking away," he says. I let go of his arm, not saying anything. "That's what I thought", he says, and walks away. I leave the beach house with Joon's keys, and instead of going home to a person I will never love, I drive to the church. After spending an hour on the road, I drop down into my office chair, exhausted and feeling defeated. Why stay, I don't love her, and I'll never give her what she needs or deserves.

"Hey Preacher," I jump at the voice. "Tae," I say, standing. "I saw you leave, and I was worried", he says. "You were", I ask hopeful. He nods, walking closer to me. He grabs my hand and pulls me around to front of my desk.
I grab his face, kissing him frantically. "I can't believe you are here, you came he for me", I pant. Unbuttoning my shirt, he presses his lips to mine again, tasting every inch of my mouth. My shirt falls to the floor, along with my pants, till I am standing naked as the day I was born.


"Get naked now, I need to taste you," I demand. "Such a bossy bottom," he teases while stripping out of his clothes. I drop to my knees and wrap my hands around his cock, licking the drop of cum off the tip. "You are quite the sinner Preacher," Tae teases some more. All I could do was moan around his dick, making him moan. He pulls me up and makes me sit on the desk, "Lay back love, hold your knees for me." I do as he says, ready for everything he is going to do to me. Dear God, I'm sorry for my sins, but this man is my heaven on earth, and if you didn't make him specifically for me, then smite me where I lay.

Taehyung slides into me slowly. His size makes it burn and stretch, but I want that pain more than anything. "Jin, you feel so fucking good", you were made just for me. His words spur me on, so I pull his head down and kiss him with so much emotion, I need him to feel what I am feeling. I wasn't even thinking that anyone could walk in. My office door doesn't have a lock. When I feel Tae begin to falter, I know he is close. I grab my erection and start to stroke vigorously. "Cum with me baby", he says.

After cleaning up, I sit on his lap and hold him. His lips are kissing my hair and temple, "you smell so good." "Thank you sunflower", I say in almost a whisper. "Sunflower huh", he asks. I lift my head and look at him, "Yes, my sunflower, you are beautiful, you brighten up my day, and you make me smile. You always have Taehyung." He captures my lips, "I love you Seokjin, I have loved you for so long." I feel the tears hit my cheeks and he chuckles, "are those sad tears or happy tears." "Both, because I love you too, and I know that I have to take care of things before we can move ahead", I tell him.

"So you are going to leave her", he asks. Again I lift my head to look at him, "I have too, my heart belongs to you and I want to be where you are." He kisses me, "you are mine Seokjin, no one will ever take you away from me again."

To be continued...

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