Requited Revenge

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A/N Hi guys, please remember this is a shorty, so the story flows a lot faster. Things progress quicker. Hope you enjoy!


Our 6-month anniversary, I can't believe it. This is the longest relationship I have ever been in, so I want to make this night special. Junseo is the only guy who gets me, he is patient and understanding to my condition and he doesn't judge me. So, I have decided to surprise him at home with a nice dinner. He told me to come over later tonight, but I am going to get there before he gets home from work. I dress in a sexy outfit, grab all the groceries I bought, hop on the bus, and head over to his apartment.

I unlock the door, setting most of the bags down so that I can hang my coat up and shut the door, but before I can, I hear laughter. I walk into the living room and find Junseo with three other people, one of them has his arm around my boyfriend. "What the hell is going on here", I ask. Junseo jumps off the couch and runs over to me, "Jin, what are you doing here, baby." "Baby", the handsome man who was groping my boyfriend asks. Junseo turns to him, then back to me, "I told you later." "I wanted to surprise you with an anniversary dinner", I explain.

"Anniversary, what anniversary Jun, what is this guy talking about", the tall gorgeous guy asks. Junseo looks really nervous and isn't saying anything. "Wh-who is he Junnie", I ask. "I'm his fiancé, who the fuck are you", gorgeous guy yells. Fear takes over me and I start to shake, fiancé what does he mean fiancé. "Jungkook who is this person", a woman asks coming over to stand next to him. "I'm not sure mom, it's seems my fiancé has some explain to do", the man says. Jun looks at me with worry in his eyes, making a move toward me but then backs up and stands by his fiancé. I burst into tears and run out the front door, knowing in my heart that I have been lied too for a long time.

I am sitting on the curb, shivering because I forgot my coat in Jun's house, my cell phone in the pocket so I can't call an UBER. "Hey", I hear someone say. I look over my shoulder and see gorgeous mean fiancé standing there, holding my coat out to me. My eyes widen, and I immediately stand, "thank you so much, I was afraid to come back to get it." "Do you have a ride home", he asks. "My phone is in my coat pocket, so I couldn't call an UBER", I confess. "Let me", he says pulling out his phone. I look at him, confusion on my face, "why are you being nice to me." "I don't know honestly, you have been fucking my fiancé, I should be kicking your ass", he says.


I don't know why I was being nice to him, maybe because he seemed really innocent, like maybe he didn't really know about me. After giving him my coat because he was shivering so bad and his coat wasn't thick enough, I put him in an UBER. I head back into Junseo's house, "mom, dad let's go." "Wait, Jungkook please, I don't really know that guy, I was only with him once and it's because I missed you so bad. Long distance is hard sometimes baby", he whines. "So, an anniversary dinner for a one-night stand, you aren't that good in bed Jun, sorry to say", I deadpan.

I put my mother's coat on her and open the door for her and my dad, turning back to Jun, "we are done, lose my number." "I'm so sorry Jungkook, I knew I didn't like that guy", my mother says when we are in the car. "It's okay mom, at least I found out before we were married", I say. "That poor boy, he looked so lost and hurt, he was very handsome though", she says. After dropping my parents off, I head over to my best friend's house. "Hey Kook, you are back early", Tae says. "Yea long story", I say. "DADDY", Sunny yells running toward me. "Hi baby girl, were you good for Uncle Tae and Auntie Mila", I ask my daughter. "I was good, Uncle Tae and I were coloring, where is Junnie", she asks.

I look at Tae, he knows me better than anyone. "Sunshine, why don't you go find Mila and ask her to give you some ice cream", Tae says. "Okay Uncle Tae", she says running to find Mila. "What happened", he asks. I tell him everything that happened at Junseo's house. "Are you moving back home then, I mean you moved here for him, now what", Tae asks pouring me a drink. "I have been offered a great job, making more than I did back home, and Sunny starts at a new school on Monday, I think we'll stay", I say finishing my scotch. "Good, Mila and I have missed you and Sunny, it will be nice to have you around more", he says squeezing my shoulder.

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