Requited Revenge (End)

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I woke Saturday morning to a text from Junseo. 

Cheating Asshole - Hey beautiful, have dinner with me tonight. I want to apologize properly and explain why I did what I did.

I sat there for a minute. Would seeing him in person and getting an apology really matter anymore, and what does he need to explain. 

Seokjin - Where and when

I place my phone on the nightstand and head into the shower. After getting dressed, I head downstairs to see Jimin and Namjoon watching Spanish TV. "Which one is this", I ask. "La Usurpadora", Namjoon says. "Twin sisters fighting over a man when the rich evil twin takes him from her sister", Jimin explains. I shake my head, laughing, "You two are crazy." In the kitchen, I pour myself a cup of coffee and walk back into the living room. "I am seeing Junseo today", I say. 

Namjoon pauses the TV, "excuse me, why." "He wants to apologize and explain, but dont worry, I am not getting back with him or anything", I explain. "Then why go", Jimin asks. I shrug, "I want to hear why he did it. Maybe I can fix whatever is wrong with me for someone else." Namjoon stands quickly from the couch, "there is nothing wrong with you. He is the one with the problem. Jungkook likes you just the way you are." I look at him with wide eyes, "why did you mention Jungkook." 

"Because we know you like him, and I think he likes you too. He just isn't sure if he should, given the circumstances", Jimin says. "I do like him a lot, and I want him to like me a lot too", I confess. Jimin giggles and hugs me, "How could he not like you, you are gorgeous and an amazing person. His daughter is already in love with you. He'd be stupid to ignore that." 


"How would you like to see Mr. Jin today", I ask Sunny as she eats her lunch. "Yes, yes please daddy, can we", she asks excitedly. "Let me text him and see if he is busy today, you finish eating", I tell her. I text Jin, but I dont get a response. I wait a bit and try again, but there is still no response. "Come on baby girl, let's go for a ride", I tell her. Jimin answers when I knock on the front door, "is he here, he isn't answering my calls or texts." Jimin's eyes go wide, "he is meeting with Junseo." "WHAT, why", I ask angrily. "Because asshole got jealous when he saw you and Jin kissing", Hoseok says coming to the door. 

They usher Sunny and I into the house, "Hi Mr. Jimin, Mr. Hobi." "Hi sweetie, come on in and we can watch some cartoons", Jimin says taking her hand. "Tell me what you are talking about", I ask Hoseok. "I posted the picture of you and Jin kissing, I guess Jun saw it and contacted Jin", he says. I scrub my hand over my face, not knowing if I want to choke Hoseok or go after Jin. Just then, the door flies open, and Jin runs past us both and up to his room. "What the hell", I say. I follow him up the stairs and knock on his door. He doesn't answer, so I open it. 

I see him pacing the floor and crying. "Jin, are you okay", I ask him concerned. "He won't answer you", Namjoon says coming up behind me. "What's wrong with him", I ask. "It's his ADHD. When he gets hyper focused on something, it's hard to bring him out of it", he explains. "What triggered it", I ask. "He's upset about something, most likely Junseo is behind it. You just have to give him time, he'll snap out of it", Namjoon reassures me. I follow him out the door, but look back once more at Jin. "I'll be downstairs", I say, knowing he probably doesn't hear me.

"Daddy, is Mr. Jin okay", Sunny asks. "I'm fine", Jin says. I stand quickly and go to him, grabbing his hands. "Are you really okay", I ask. "Yes, I am happy you are both here", he says. "Did Jun upset you", I ask concerned. His face falls, "he said really ugly things about you and then he touched me when I didn't ask him too." "That Motherfu", I try to say, but I'm cut off. "What do you mean he touched you", Namjoon asks. "He told me that Jungkook was abusive to him, controlled his life and made him miserable. He said that Jungkook was forcing him to marry him. Jun said he was afraid of him, that's why he said yes", he says. 

"I cant believe he said that, Seokjin please tell me you didn't believe him", I plead. "No, of  course not. When I stuck up for you he got mad and tried to grab at me. I got up and ran out", he says. I instinctively wrap my arms around him, wanting to protect him and tell him it will be okay. But then I remember he doesn't like to be touched without asking and I release him. "I am so sorry", I say. "No, come back", he says pulling me to him. I laugh and wrap him back up, "you are going to be okay, he will never touch you again." 

"Jimin, do you mind keeping an eye on Sunny, Jin is making dinner and I have somewhere I need to go", I ask. "I am going with you", Namjoon says. Jimin laughs, "go, she's fine. And dont get arrested." We rush out the door before Jin asks any questions and head over to Junseo's place. When he opens the door, I punch him right in the face. He stumbles backward and thats when we notice the naked guy on the couch and Jun's pants are around his ankles. "Who answers the door like this", Namjoon asks laughing. "This idiot", I say. 

Namjoon grabs Junseo's shirt collar and lifts him practically off his feet, "stay away from Jin you piece of shit, or you wont be using your equipment to fuck anybody." Jun swallows hard, "I will, I promise." Namjoon lets him drop to the floor and we walk out. "That felt really good", I say. "Hell yea", he says, high fiving me." "Now lets get you back to your man", Namjoon says. And I cant help but to smile.

One year later


"Sunny, you ready to go", I ask. "Yes papa", she says. Strong arms wrap around me, "good morning husband." I cant help but to giggle, "will I ever get used to that." "I hope you never do, because I will be calling you that for a very very long time", Jungkook says, turning me around to kiss me. "I love you husband", I say. He purrs into my ear, "I love you too, so fucking much." "We will see you when you get home from work, we have to go", I say kissing his nose. He slaps my ass as I walk away and I cant stop laughing. "What's funny papa", Sunny asks. "Your daddy", I say. 

I adopted Sunny right after Jungkook and I got married. Everything was so quick, we just couldn't wait to be married. Sunny and I drive to school together every morning. I drop her at her classroom, kissing her goodbye, "have a good day baby." Jungkook and I spoke a lot about me going back on medication for my ADHD and he was okay with whatever decision I came too. I take it when I need to, but not all the time. I dont like the way it makes me feel. "Good Morning", Jimin says coming into the room. "Morning", I say. 

I grab my phone and text Jungkook, asking if he will be home at regular time tonight. "Sunny and I are going to take off right after school, that okay", I ask Jimin. "Yea, something special planned", he asks winking at me. "You could say that", I sing. After a long day I meet Sunny outside her classroom, "ready baby girl, we need to stop at the store." When Sunny and I get home, I have her start on her homework while I get to preparing dinner. "There is my gorgeous husband", I hear Jungkook say. I turn to see him leaning against the door frame. 

"You just going to stand there or you going to kiss me", I say. "Oh well, I cant keep my baby waiting can I", he says wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you", I breath against his lips.  "I missed you too", he crashes his lips to mine. "Go shower and change, then come eat. I made your favorite", I tell him. "Mmmm, can I have this for dessert", he asks grabbing my ass. I laugh and push him, "maybe if you are good." 

"I am stuffed, that was delicious baby", Jungkook says. "Thank you. Sunny run upstairs and put the new pajamas on that I laid on your bed and then come back down so daddy can check your homework", I tell her. "Okay papa", she says. I hear Sunny coming back downstairs and watch how the rest unfolds. "Daddy what does my shirt mean", she asks. "Big sister", Jungkook says. Its quiet for a few seconds and I laugh when Jungkook and Sunny's eyes grow as big as dinner plates. "Seriously Seokjin", Jungkook asks. "Really papa", Sunny squeals. 

I  nod and rub my stomach. Jungkook is up so quick with Sunny in his arms and they are both hugging me. "I AM GOING TO BE BIG SISTER", Sunny cheers loudly. Jungkook kisses me, "I cant believe it, you are going to have our baby." Tears spring to my eyes, "you are happy, right." "Of course I am happy. I fell for you the day you stepped into Junseo's house and I became the luckiest guy in the world the day you said you would be my husband. Now you are going to have my baby, I am over the moon", Jungkook says kissing Sunny's cheek, then kissing me again. 

"Can I have a puppy now", Sunny asks. Jungkook and I bust out laughing.

The End

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