Life, Love, and Lies (end)

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"I am stuffed, I dont think I have ever eaten so much Sushi in one sitting", Hoseok says rubbing his stomach. "Did I even eat", I ask. Jimin cackles, "you are so drunk. Most of our bill was Soju." "Lets do karaoke, come on", I say pulling them toward the building. When we get inside and pick a room, I pull my phone out and text Jungkook that I am in Tokyo and that I was thinking of him. 

Jungkook: Where are you

I text him the name of the karaoke bar and grab the mic from Jimin. "Pick a song, any song and Ill sing the shit out of it", I say. When I hear the music start I crack up laughing and look at my friends. "Really", I ask. They both nod and Jimin is taking video on his phone. "Fine", I say and bring the mic to my mouth.

"Right now, he's probably slow dancing
With a bleached-blond tramp
And he's probably getting frisky
Right now, he's probably buying him some fruity little drink
'Cause he can't shoot a whiskey
Right now, he's probably up behind him with a pool stick
Showing her how to shoot a combo
And he don't know"

I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little souped up four-wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights
Slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats

I fall onto the couch laughing, my stomach hurting. I look at the door and see Jungkook standing there and my heart does a flip. Fuck he looks so good in a bright green button up and button fly jeans. "Jin look, its Mr. hottie from the other night", Jimin says. "I see that, thank you", I say standing. "You have an amazing voice", he says. "Oh god you heard that", I say hiding my face. He grabs my wrist, "dont be shy, it was really good." I feel his breath on my ear when he says that and I shiver, "thank you." 

We spend a few more hours singing and drinking, even Jungkook sang and his voice is so good. "Lets go guys, I am exhausted and my throat hurts from singing", Hoseok whines. He and Jimin can barely stand and they cant stop giggling. "Lets walk a little, sober up some. I will have my driver follow us", Jungkook says. He grabs my hand and we start the walk back to the condo. "Tokyo comes alive late at night. I love to watch the people and see all the craziness", he says squeezing my hand. "Its really beautiful here, I can see why people would want to live here", I say sadly. 

Jungkook stops walking and turns me to look at him. I can see concern etched on his face, "I cant believe you are in Japan. Did you miss me that much that you followed me here." I roll my eyes and slap his arm teasingly. "You wish", I say trying not to smile. "You look sad", he says. "I am here because I found out my cheating dead husband not only had a boyfriend, but a secret condo that he could keep him in", I explain. "Get the hell out of here. He bought a condo in Japan so that his boyfriend had somewhere to stay", Jungkook asks. "Seems like it. So I used his money to bring my friends here as a thank you for them helping me thru my shit show of a life and to see the condo before I sell it", I say smiling.

"Should we go then", he asks. "No, can we go to your place. It just so happens that before we left, the side slut showed up and he is staying there tonight", I say. Jungkook wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. "I hope you know that none of that is your fault. Your husband felt he needed multiple partners, for what reason, we will never know. But you are enough Seokjin, especially for me", he says into my ear. "Jungkook", I moan. We get into Jungkook's car and head to his place on the other side of the city. 

"This place is amazing, is it yours or are you renting it", I ask looking at the beautiful art work and vaulted ceilings. "I have the option to buy it, but its to big just for me", he says. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. In the huge bedroom, with a king size bed and 85 inch TV, Jungkook starts to undress. Opening his shirt and exposing his chest and stomach, I feel my jaw hit the ground. He chuckles and walks into his closet, bringing back a t-shirt and a pair of lounge pants, handing them to me. "You can change, Ill be right back", he says walking back into his closet.

I lift his shirt to my nose and breathe in his scent, its intoxicating. After folding all my clothes and standing in just the t-shirt, he comes back out in his own lounge pants. He looks at my legs, starting at my feet and slowly making his way up my bare legs. "The pants were too big, I hope this is okay", I say shyly. He steps toward me, capturing my mouth with his. "Its perfect, you are perfect", he whispers against my lips. He leads me to the bed and pulls the covers down. Getting in he holds the covers and pats his chest. I smile and climb in, snuggling up to him and resting my head on his chest.

"I just want to hold you. We can talk, we can watch tv, we can cry, or we can just lay here", he says kissing the top of my head after every suggestion. I let out a breath, one I felt like I've been holding since the cops knocked on my door. A tear slides down my cheek and onto Jungkook's chest. He lifts my face to his, "you cry all you want baby, I am here to catch you." "You need to stop being so perfect, because in the morning, you might be gone and I will be heart broken all over again", I cry. He wipes the tears with his thumb, "I am not going anywhere, ever again without you."

3 years later

"Seokjin, the line is out the door. Are you ready for this", Jimin asks. "Yes, I love meeting my fans, you know that", I say. I stack books on either side of the table for people who need to buy one. "Okay, I think I am ready", I say lining all my pens up in a neat row on the table. "Okay Hoseok, start letting them in", Jimin yells. "Oh my god, there he is", a woman says coming into the room. "Hi there, thank you for coming. What is your name", I ask her, standing to hug her. "I'm May and I just love your books. I cried my eyes out when I read Betrayed in Death I felt your pain", she says gripping her copy of the book. 

At the end of the day I signed over 3000 copies of my book. I sat at the table, having a good cry because of all the people I met today. All the people who have shared in my experience or one of their own. "Seokjin, guess what. We just got a call from your editor. Your second book, Love in Tokyo just hit number one on the New York Times best seller list and this book is not far behind", Hoseok says. I jump up and hug them both, "I couldn't have done this without the two best managers in the world." "Ah I think they deserve a little credit too", Jimin says pointing to the door.

"Papa", I hear my 2 year old, Calvin say. I run to him and pick him up, "how is Papa's boy. I really missed you." "Hi beautiful", Jungkook says hugging me with one arm while the other holds our 1 month old daughter, Shilo. "Hi gorgeous. How were they", I ask kissing my sleeping daughters forehead. "Perfect, just like their Papa", he says kissing me. "You two better stop that or you will have another one running around here", Jimin teases taking Calvin from me. "How is my big boy" Jimin says. "unkow", Calvin tries to say. 

Namjoon and Yoongi walk in a few minutes later, "hey best seller, congrats." They both hug me, "thanks guys." "Give me her, you two go, celebrate, and dont come back to get them till tomorrow and dont come back knocked up again. Last time you two celebrated you got this one", Yoongi says pointing to Shiloh. Jungkook and I laugh, "thanks guys. We all deserve another trip soon. Anywhere you want, my treat." "Hell yea", Namjoon says. "I am thinking beaches and Mai Tai's, with sexy cabana boys", Hoseok says. Receiving a dirty look from his husband.

Jungkook and I get into the back of the car. "What exactly are we celebrating Yeobo", he asks pulling me onto his lap. "New York Times bestseller list baby", I say. "That's my husband, amazing as always. Congratulations beautiful, I love you so fucking much", he says crashing his lips to mine. "I made it this far because of you gorgeous, you and our babies and our friends. My inspirations, and you my muse", I say connecting our lips again. "Lets go to Japan, back to where we fell in love. Back to the bed we cuddled in that first night when I knew that I would never ever let you go", he says smiling that endearing smile of his. "Back to where I first looked into those beautiful eyes and felt my entire world flip", I say.

"I'm glad you ended buying that place, it has truly become a home for us and the kids", I say leaning my head against his chest. "Lets fill it with more memories and more kids, what do you say, are you with me beautiful", Jungkook asks. "Gorgeous, I would follow you anywhere, anytime. You are my forever", I say.

The End

Ahhhhh, its so inspiring to have our Seokjinnie back and to see him wearing Kook's shirt. He is just to damn adorable. More JinKook to come guys!! I love you guys!!.

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