Requited Revenge (2)

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Sitting at my desk, I'm having a hard time concentrating on these stupid contracts in front of me. I can't believe Sunny's teacher is the guy who ruined my life, and he's even more beautiful than I originally thought. Scrubbing my hand over my face, I pick the papers back up and look at them. Finally, after an hour, I managed to read them and sign them. Placing my hand on my keyboard and without thinking, I type in the name of Sunny's school. Pictures of the staff pop up on the screen, and I immediately click on Jin's picture.

My phone ringing made me jump like I was caught doing something. "Let's meet for lunch", Tae says when I pick up the phone. "Sure, I am just finishing up, where do you want to meet", I ask him. "Our usual place", he says. "So greasy burgers and beers, I'm down, I'll see you there", I say. I call my secretary into my office. "Yes Mr. Jeon", she asks. "Cancel my afternoon meetings and reschedule them please", I tell her. I stare at Jin's picture a few minutes longer before leaving my office. 

"Hey so how is work going, you like it", Tae asks after we order our food. I shrug, "I never wanted to work in one of my dad's offices, but when I met Jun and we got engaged, I knew I needed to provide for us. Jokes on me, now that ship has sailed, do I want to keep doing it." "What would you do if you could choose", he asks, letting the waitress set our food down. "I want to be a writer, remember in high school, I wrote for the school paper", I say. "Oh yea, you won a lot of awards for your writing. Well, with Junseo out of the picture, do it", Tae urges. 

I shrug again, taking a bite of my burger and feeling the grease run down my arm. "This place hasn't changed", I laugh. "Heart attack on a bun should be their motto", Tae laughs loudly. I take a couple more bites, then set my burger down. "There is something else", I say getting more serious. "Oh boy, that sounds ominous", Tae says, wiping his arm. "The guy Junseo cheated with is Sunny's teacher", I say. "Holy shit Kook, seriously", he says. I nod, "and Sunny loves him already, I can tell. He made her feel so welcome today, like she isn't new at all."

"So Sunny will never allow you to pull her out of his class", Tae sermises. "Bingo, and he did tell me he was sorry and that he didn't know about me. I was a little pissed to find that Jun is still texting him, and he hasn't said a word to me. But I think I was more jealous because of Jin, not Jun", I say, not believing what just came out of my mouth. "Wow Kook", Tae gasps. "He's gorgeous, Tae, and sweet as sugar. His smile could light up room", I say, picturing his face. "You got it bad, huh bro", Tae says with an evil grin.


"So THAT was the guy Junseo was cheating on you with", Jimin asks. "Yes", I sigh. We are sitting in the teachers' lounge while the kids are at lunch. "He is fine as hell, damn how does a loser like Junseo snag gorgeous guys like you and him, that does not even compute", he says, fanning himself. I roll my eyes, "don't remind me about that loser I spent a year of my life on and a gorgeous, muscular man that sees me as the enemy." "Are you two talking about the Jungkook", Hoseok says, coming into the room. 

"Yes, sadly", I say. "The Jungkook is quite a looker, if I must say", Hoseok says, wiggling his eyebrows. I can't help but laugh. Hoseok is on the spectrum but very high functioning. He sometimes talks like he was born in the 1940s, and he is honest and outspoken to a fault. Jimin was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. He is fabulous around a room full of kids but around adults. It's a completely different story. Then there is me, diagnosed at the age of 7 with ADHD. Most days, I am good, and being around the kids keeps me very focused, but some days, I can get very hyper focused and lose a lot of time that I don't remember.

Finishing out the school day, all the kids are excited to go home. "Mr. Jin, Mr. Jin", I see Sunny running toward me. "Oh, don't run sweety, you might fall", I say bending down to her level. "I drew you a picture, do you like it', she asks excitedly. I look at the picture and its of her and I holding hands, with a big yellow sun in the sky and big fluffy clouds. "I love it, I am going to hang it up at home, is that okay", I ask her. "Yes, I would love that", she says hugging me. She returns to her desk, and I start to get the other kids ready to go home. "Come on my beautiful bus riders, let's go, the bus lady is waiting for you", Hoseok says coming into the room.

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