Logan n Ashlyn

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"Logan, I love you, you are basically my brother, but, are you sure this is a good idea?"

I was nervous and worried, this wasn't the smartest idea

"Nope" He hummed, and I sighed

"Okay, so then explain this to me again. Why are we pulling an all nighter, two nights in a row?"

"Because, we need to scope out the sky, there were some alien sightings and I wanna see them! Come oooonnnnn!"

I hesitated, I wanted to see an alien too, even if they turned out fake, it was always fun to have these silly moments together but we get a bit...crazy, when we don't sleep. Once Logan almost overthrew the government...haha, fun times.

"...fine. But this better be worth it."

"It will, trust me"

That boy is a lier. By the next morning we found nothing, no sightings, and the sky wasn't even pretty! No stars, no aliens, and no sleep!! I feel exhausted and Logan looks like a drained battery

"Thank God that today is a Sunday, I couldn't handle school right now"

"Wasn't even worth it" he huffed "and we have to meet the group today miss big brain"

"Oh great! How did we forget.."

"Hmm? Maybe lack of sleep?"

"Shut up! We just gotta get through this then it's sleep time, this is fine."

It was not fine, Logan fell asleep almost immediately. Good thing the only thing we were doing was hanging out in the graveyard. I had to inform the others of what we did, kinda embarrassing not going to lie.

"You, miss Ashlyn Banner, stayed up to find aliens!?" Tyler laughed "didn't expect you to be the type at all"

Taylor had elbowed Tyler in the side

"What my brother means to say is that it's cool that you two have something to bond over, even if it's a bit unexpected"

Cut the crap, you are all shocked. Don't kid me. Is what I wanted to say

"Yeah, yeah," yawn "just stop blabbering jake from State Farm"

"Who?" I heard Aiden ask, laughing

"I'm not sure, don't ask me loud mouth"

"Someone is feisty today, need coffee or something" Ben used his phone to ask before it cut off by Logan getting up

"Holy shi-"

"Logan! Do NOT use that language" I went off on him, the others gave us weird looks

"Nuh uh! You aren't my mom! Missy missy!"

"Go back to bed, you are clearly tired"

"Am not! Besides, you are wayyy more tired!"

"Lier, lier!"

We went back and fourth for about 10 minutes before Logan turned around, tripped, and fell asleep on the floor. I turned away myself, went to make coffee, came back 5 minutes later to see Logan still asleep, then I sat on a chair, trying to drink my coffee. Guess who spilled it over herself because she can't sit still? Me.

"Oh fuck-"

I saw the others just laugh a top me and Logan's misfortune, then I must of fell asleep because I don't remember shit man, but I woke up in the phantom dimension feeling like a whole new man to be honest. What a good sleep, oh and Logan ended up sleeping through the whole phantom thing, bro sleeps soundly, can't wake him up for shit btw

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