"Where is my friend the smiley?"

511 12 6

TW: Major character death, mentions of suicide, depression, etc..
Enjoy, and watch at your own risk! /. .\ฅ
Short bc I'm working on something else, this is a filler. Also, I'm tired :[


"Hey guys.. have you seen Logan?" Tyler asked. "He isn't anywhere." Taylor snickered. "Looking for your boyfriend, hm?" She continued to giggle hysterically. "No. I haven't, which isn't like him.. at all." Ashlyn told him while Taylor continued to laugh. "Huh.. well, he sent me a text before we got here.. so i figured he wanted to talk." "What did it say?" Ben quickly wrote on a piece of paper. ".. it said 'You were a good friend,' and I don't know why. It was really rando-.." Tyler froze. "You don't think he...."

"What's going on?" Aiden poked his head around the corner. "Oh. Uhm,.." Taylor stammered. "..guys? Why is Ashlyn crying?" He said, rushing to Ashlyn. "He.. he wouldn't.. right?" Tyler repeated. "Who? Who wouldn't?" Aiden asked, before looking up. "Oh, Logan? What about him?" "We think he may of.. offed.. himself.." Ben wrote out. "Oh."

"OH-" He said again. "Are.. are you sure?" "He does go to therapy. I've seen him there before." Ben wrote out again, gaining a small 'oh,' from the others. "....this isn't what i was looking forward to. I don't wanna loose anyone else.." Taylor mumble. "He would.. i knew he was suicidal, and yet.." Ashlyn mumble. "Don't blame yourself, Ash." Aiden reassured her. "I'm sure it's just.. just a fault in all this. I'm sure he's fine."





"He's not."

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