"Are you sure you mean it..?"

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(Logan x Tyler, Logan not being sure if Tyler is ready to say he loves him yet, because he's still trying to figure it out, Tyler reassures him. Requested, by Dumbtherian , hope this is good enough/what you meant, i tried.)(this took so long cause my brother was bugging the fuck outta me)

Logan and Tyler sat on Tyler's bed. They were discussing the next big step in their relationship. (do ppl actually do that? I've never been in a relationship 🌚) They knew they liked each other, but they didn't know if they loved each other, because one has attachment issues (Tyler) and the other has abandonment issues (Logan).

"So.." Logan started. "This is kinda awkward now...."

"A bit, i guess." Tyler said. "But, i wanna say that I think I can love you."

"Are you sure..?" Logan began. "Because I don't wanna be left behind if you change your mind.."

"I won't. I would never do that to you, Logan." Tyler spoke, bringing Logan in from a hug.

"I hope so.." Mumble the lighter haired boy.

"I know we both have our.. issues..? Doesn't matter. My point is, that even with our differences, and everything, I think that I can say.. you are the first person, other than family, that I can actually say i love."

"But.. this is a big step, Ty.. and you have attachment things and all.."

"I'm positive. I know I like you, so I think I can love you. But will you love me?"

"Of course i will!" The boy darted up. "You mean everything to me, Tyler."

Tyler gave him a smile, and kissed the top of Logan's forehead. They finally worked out the differences between them, and they are ready to actually love each other.

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