Angst with comfort (Blood warning)

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The gang quite enjoyed each other's company. They had grown close to each other and considered one another there second family...but what happens when one of them gets a death threat or bullied..well, it doesn't end the best to say the least.

Ashlyn had been walking around the school campus, she was looking for Taylor. They were supposed to go hang out at Taylor's mechanic club then meet up for ice cream, then they were having a sleepover since things had been getting hectic lately, they just wanted a calm, fun girls night. But when Ashlyn saw those girls teasing Taylor she got quite anger.

"Egh, this girl thinks she's sooo popular" one of the girls mocked Taylor

"N-n..not really-" Taylor tried to defend herself, before getting her hair yanked back and her face slammed into a locker

"Shut up!" The girl retorted "You are only popular cause you have a hot brother"

"Yeah, you're nothing more than his 'twin.' He probably loves me more than you-" The second girl replied bitterly


A book hit the second girl right in the face, breaking the bridge of her. The girl started crying, clutching her nose as the blood poured down, tickling her fingers turning them a dark red color. She didn't know what to do as she watched some of the blood drip onto the floor. She had felt the blood fall into her mouth then felt the salty tears mix with it, it was an unpleasant sensation she had, and it was quite gross. The girl had never had someone fight back so she was unsure of how to respond. She was in a frozen state..someone had the audacity to hit her, but, who would do it..was it that ginger chick!? Oh no..

"You threw a damn book at her! You bitch, you have no part in this!" Supplied the girl's friend, coming to her aid, yet completely ready to fight till she saw who is was. Ashlyn's gaze didn't look the most pleased, it was rather bitter. They knew Ashlyn took Gymnastics, they had classes together..and they knew better than to cross her, let alone talk to her. She shivered and turned to her friend, grabbing her shoulder

"Sorry, sorry! I- err, we, are leaving now!" She spoke with clear fear, slightly stuttering and stumbling over her words. Not soon after the girls were gone and out of sight

"Are you okay..that's a pretty nasty bruise.." Ashlyn was trying to help Taylor but all Taylor could do was stare baffled

"Wha- how- why are they so scared of you!?" She sounded shocked yet grateful "Do you know them or something?"

"They go to my Gymnastics class, now let's go to your mechanic club. We can explain to them what happened and get you fixed up then we can go get ice cream, Kay?"


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