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I sit and I stare at the patches in my hair of a photo I was so thrilled to capture.

I felt the weight of the girls on my Pinterest feed who's aesthetics I had just fractures.

And my cousins who could pass for models of the past tell me I'm being dramatic,

But they don't understand I am only pretty in the moment when you think of sunsets and regret.

When the camera clicks and the photos print I am nothing to be looked at.

I go about my days knowing I am admired but when I turn my phone on camera mode my image of myself is shattered.

So I sit and I stare at the patches in my hair and the photos I left damaged,

I delete them forever so I don't have to hammer insecurities into my head.

I don't look like Pinterest girls.

I remember writing this. Sitting in my bed on vacation in tears looking at pool pictures I was so excited for.

I've always been 'real life pretty' and it doesn't transfer to the camera well. I have family who could make a living off of their looks and it's always weighed so heavily on me.

It still does.

But to my fellow loves that also feel this way, you're so gorgeous, the world may not see it now, but they will one day.

we stand with Palestine

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