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It is not a pleasure down memory lane it is a dagger stuck deep causing me pain,

A time portal to a time much simpler than this when my gender and opinions didn't bulldoze what I did.

When mistakes are looked over now fields have grown older and childhood comforts hurt more than I can shoulder.

People and places of the past are long gone and the memories held are now tainted and long lost.

Nostalgia will always hold a place in my heart, but it's locked up deep into the depth of the stares, never to be resurfaced for it brings me such harm.

Nostalgia is not a pleasure, it is just a mere discomfort of what I have made of the innocent girl who was traumatized and plagued.

Nostalgia reminds me of the little girl hurt by the world who didn't ask to be part of something that could bring her harm.

So no, I don't want to revisit these times for they hurt more than I can handle at this time.

Please, no more, I think I'm okay, nostalgia has officially overstayed.

proper grammar has left the chat

You see those videos of things only 2000's kids understand

and your stomach sinks

that's the feeling of this poem, and the way I feel when I see those videos.

we stand with Palestine

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