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Thirty minutes,

It's been thirty minutes since you came out of the office, you don't know what they're talking about all this time, your head is leaning against the wall opposite the office room in the corridor, your eyes haven't moved from the closed wooden door,

So many questions, and what ifs, roaming in your head and you don't feel like going to the waiting room and sitting down, so you decide to stand there.

Even if your mind keeps giving you negative ideas, there is still a little hope in the corner of your heart, maybe that's what got you where you are.

Moments later, you heard the door open with a crack,You straighten up, your breath caught in your throat when you saw V come out, his coat hanging in his hand, his look somehow bit irritated.Frown in his handsome face proving it.

Your heart beat faster as his eyes met yours for a second,yes, just for a second, he gave you a blank look and walked down the corridor, it was just a blank look like a clear black paper, but you couldn't help but feel nervous.
Why does his little look make you nervous?

Is it because he's attractive?
Or is it his eyes?
Or is it the dominance around him?

Fuck! You really need to get your shit together.

"Congratulations!" Mrs. Lee chimed in with a smile, walking over to you, "The contract will be signed before V leaves, we'll fill in the rest of the details and get your signature by the time he arrives after the meeting."

"Are you sure? I mean he doesn't seem to like it that much" you said remembering his irritated face.

"Ah, V is like that, don't think too much of him, he's a bit stubborn guy," She said shaking her head.


You took a deep breath as you came out of the building, you signed the contract as Ms. Lee said, filling in the details related to you.

V didn't come when you were there, he was still in the meeting because the CEO was late. Mrs. Lee invited you to join her for lunch because it is her lunch time and she doesn't want to eat alone.

You didn't oppose her, after all she helped you a lot and you were really hungry too, you couldn't eat properly in the morning because of the rush.

At least you can show her your gratitude in this way, even if it is not enough.

You both came to the restaurant near the company, because it was lunch time for many people, it was quite crowded, Mrs. Lee chose a table near the window, not to lie, you thanked her for that in your mind,

As soon as the two of you sat down, a male waiter came to your table with a notebook. Mrs. Lee asked what kind of food you would like to eat, and ordered food with what she liked.

"So Sara, tell me a little bit about yourself." she said, after the waiter took the order and left your table.

"Well, where do I start?" You asked, wondering how to answer her question.

"How about starting with your family details?" She suggested, "Do you have sibilings?" she asked,

"I have a younger sister." You answered.

"Does that mean you are the eldest in the family? A big responsibility." She said, you smiled, it's true, being the eldest in the family is not easy, it's a big responsibility.

Especially when you become an adult, it's like all family responsibilities fall on your shoulders.As your parents get older, and they can no longer earn money, it starts to feel more and more.but in your case it's bit different and more complicated.

"I saw on your details sheet that your permanent residence is Busan." Her words snapped you out of your train of thought and you looked up at her.

"Yes, I came here from Busan about eight months ago,"

"Are you here alone? Or are there any relatives here?"

"Actually , I have a friend here, and Iive with her." Mrs. Lee hummed and nodded at you.

Suddenly your phone dinged with a notification, drawing your and Mrs. Lee's attention.

"Hey love, did you have lunch? And what happened to the job?"

Your lips are adorned with a smile,

"Boyfriend?" Hearing her voice, your head turned towards Mrs. Lee, you nodded with a shy smile, your cheeks flushed, Mrs. Lee chuckled,

A few minutes later the waiter came with the order, Mrs. Lee and you quickly dug in, no need to lie you were really hungry and the smell of these dishes made you hungry even more.

"And about V...," Mrs. Lee trailed off, you looked at her as you swallowed the piece of meat, "That's just the way he is, it'll be fine with time as you two get to know each other," Honestly, even if she says that, you can be sure that it is not easy to come to a good term with sigh remembering his mocking words. He is arrogant , that's for sure.You can't blame him tho, after all he is a world famous rich as hell celebrity.

"Tomorrow V has a photo shoot with Calvin Klein, We need to prepare the shoot. I will mail you the details and the theme, read it and try to get an idea. And don't forget to come early like 7 ? Is it ok with you?" She asked making you nodded while munching on your food.

That way, you two talked about work related things and some personal things, you got to know that Mrs. Lee's husband is a doctor and she is a mother of two children, she is really kind and sweet , surprisingly , you feel comfortable around her, she is a little bit Funny too.

You found out that she has known V since the first time he came to this field, it seems that they are very close.

Throughout this entire conversation, you had been holding back the urge to ask Mrs. Lee what she and V had talked about in the office after you came out.

You're sure V had no interest in working with you before you left the room, so you wonder how she changed his mind.

But then again, that's not your problem, you got the job anyway, so you decided it wasn't your place to ask about it.

Since they've known each other for a long time and they're very friendly with each other, maybe it's not a big deal for her to change his mind.

After the meal, Mrs. Lee objected to you that she would pay for the meal, and you agreed because you couldn't compete with her. Saying goodbye to each other, you both went your separate ways,

You walked to the bus stand, surprisingly there was no one there, you sat yourself on the bench there and waited for the bus.
checking the time, you find that it is ten minutes past three in the afternoon.

You decide to call your boyfriend, you dial his number but to your dismay his phone is off, you can't help but sigh, and decide to send him a text letting him know you got the job.When the phone is turned on, he will see it and call you.

You looked up at the sun shining sky, can't help but mind drifting to that specific person you met, how his eyes looked into yours, how you felt it then,His deep voice, it all brought you something strange, something that had never happened before, it was a strange feeling, it was hard for you to put it into words,every time he looks at you, the whole atmosphere seems to heat up out of nowhere.And his deep voice chills your entire body as if you are drowning in the southern ocean.

"Looks like it's going to be a long day tomorrow." You whispered, letting out a breathy sigh.

A/n : Model V can be a asshole sometimes ;)

Thanks for reading!

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