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You slam your laptop shut, your mind is in a frenzy, V's words to you few hours ago are playing havoc in your head, you're frustrated with yourself, how can you let him control you?

How do all his little actions make you nervous?

You are never like this. You wonder how can be so weak and small in front of him.but little did you know, that it was something he did on purpose and after your reaction he doesn't regret it at all.

Suddenly your phone started ringing, drawing your attention to it.Seeing the caller, you quickly answered,

"Unnie!" You heard your younger sister cry, your eyes widened a bit,Hearing her voice you forgot everything, panic took over your heart. you quickly got up from your chair and walked towards the large glass window nearby.

" What happen?" You asked, but instead of an answer you only got the sound of her crying, "Oh my God, Nora, talk! What happened?" You asked again, raising your voice slightly.

"I- Uncle Joseph-" she sobbed again, Joseph, as soon as you heard that name you knew what must have happened, the fingers of your left hand clenched, you felt the anger running through your veins.

"What did that bastard do?" You asked gritting your teeth.Nora started crying again, "I told you not to stay at home when mom went to work, why didn't you go to Lucy's house?"

"I can't go there every day, they're not even home today, they've gone on a trip." she said, sniffing up her running sighed."I can't even tell mother about this."

"No,no, no, don't say a word to her, you know, she'll take his side. And it'll all be your fault in the end, and there's no point in telling her."

You let out a long breath, "Where is he now?" You asked as her sobs subsided.

"I- I don't know, gone out," she stammered out.

"Listen, don't cry, I'll do something, you know I just got the job, I can't even take leave, but I'll try to come as soon as I can, okay?"

She hummed, "Please do something, I don't know when he will come back" and she started crying again, tears came to your eyes hearing her pleas.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, I'll do something, be careful." You said softly,before hanging up, You quickly wiped away the salty tears running down your cheeks, sniffing slightly.You closed your eyes and took a long breath. You have to do something.

Joseph is your mother's second husband, who is a few years younger than her.
It wasn't even a year since your father died when your mother brought Joseph home, saying that she had found love again.

You thought about your mother's feelings and did not object.At first he treated you and your younger sister well, you thought,
Maybe mom did the right thing by marrying him, but it was only after a while that he started to show his true colors.

It first started with you,one day when you were changing your clothes, you caught him peeping, he quickly apologized to you as if it was a mistake,

You let it go without letting it enter your mind too much, but then one day he sneaks into the room while you are sleeping and starts touching you inappropriately , It made you lose faith in him.

You tried to tell your mother but it was no use, she is blindly in love with him more than she should, you thought of reporting this to the police, you almost did it but you got to know that your mother is pregnant by him.

She was happy about starting a family with him, so you kept quiet because you didn't want to break her heart.

That's why you didn't say anything to Minho, knowing that he would kill Joseph, it could have been a big problem, you can't let Minho get into trouble because of you.

You came to Seoul to work, collect good money, make a permanent place for yourself and bring your sister with you.

At first Minho didn't agree, he always said that he would marry you and take you to his house and Nora could come and live with you both then. But you know you can't be a burden to him, Nora is your responsibility. You know he is working hard with his family situation so you don't want to give him another headache.

On the other hand, you really wanted to do something about yourself and fix Nora's life. Then she won't have to face the same inconvenience as you when you save money for her. She will be able to live freely as she wants. You want to make that life for her. You can't do that while staying in town. You are happy that Minho understood you and let you come to Seoul alone.

But things in life don't turn out the way you think, Even though you are staying at Kathy's house, you can't bring your sister and cause her trouble. Kathy's parents who are abroad often come to visit her. It is difficult for many people to live in that small apartment.

Maybe if you do this job properly, you won't be able to find another place to rent and bring your sister here too.

Joseph doesn't work and he lives off the money your mother earns, but your mother doesn't have a problem with that, she is just as crazy about him, you wonder what kind of black magic Joseph has done to her.Somehow they barely survive on your mother's monthly salary.

Your sister's education also stopped due to lack of money, she tried to find some job, but it was difficult due to lack of education. Mother also asked Nora to stay at home and take care of Joseph and her child.

He stopped bothering you after mom had the baby, so you thought that now that he was a father, he would have stopped the wrongdoing.

That's why you leaves Nora alone without fear,

But two months after you came here, he started doing his old sins again, but this time with your sister, that's why you can't stand it, it's okay with you, but your sister? God, she just turned twenty.

Only then did you realize that he was silent because momm was at home with the baby.

After she started going back to work he was back to his old self, you know he never changes.

So you are thinking of bringing her here and helping her resume her broken studies. But buying an apartment in Seoul is not easy, it costs a lot of money, even the rent will not be a small amount.

And you don't have a lot of money saved in your account.

Everything in your life is fucked up.

You quickly made a call and on the second ring you heard the other party say, "Hello noona?" You heard Felix' deep voice.
"Uhm-hyung just took his medicine and went to sleep." He added thinking that you talked because of Minho, you want to talk to Minho, but you know that this is not what you should do at this time, there is something more important.

"How is he now?" You asked because you couldn't help but be worried about Minho's condition. No matter what problems you have in your mind, you value Minho very much, there is no doubt about that.

"He is doing quite well now." He said. You wondered, if he was fine why didn't he call you, but you decided to put it off for now.

You hummed at his reply, "Felix, can you do me a favor?"

A/n: Thanks for reading!

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