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I looked at the woman in front of me, who was wearing a white silk bathrobe that reached her mid-thigh. She gives me an annoyed look on her face, but to be honest, i didn't come here for her antics.

"Where's V?" I deadpanned. Her arms were crossed over her chest with a crease between her eyebrows.

"Why are you looking for him?" She scoffed.

"Ask him. He will tell." She looked at me in surprise as i said, but her eyes widened as she realized something.

"Oh, so are you the maid he said was coming to cook?"

Now it's my  chance to be surprised. What the hell! What does he think of himself? I thought right, he must have told the guard the same thing, that's why he opened the gate without asking me a word. I gripped the strap of the bag hanging over your shoulder. I  feel like i can squeeze his neck.

"V isn't home, he's gone out, but you can come and cook." She gave me a head to toe look, obviously mocking me and walked into the house leaving me there. Does that mean he asked me not to cook for him but to cook for his girlfriend? This bastard! I really want to turn around and go home. But i know i  can't do that.

I took a deep breath. I need to calm myself down. This is my own fault, if i didn't agree with his nonsense, this wouldn't have happened. But if i think, this is for Mrs. Lee so sara, calm down.

Just walk in, cook quickly, and go home. Very simple. I braved yourself and entered the mansion. But i'm not sure if i will be able to keep my cool with this bitch here.

"I like fried rice with meat. Do you know how to make them?" She arrogantly asked as i placed my bag on the counter stool. I closed your eyes for a second. Don't lose your cool, Sara. And i turned to her with a fake smile.

"If you shut your annoying mouth and stand aside, maybe yes."

She looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth, ready to say something, but i didn't come to hear her bullshits.i went to the frig without giving a single flying shit to her nonsense.i rolled my eyes as i  heard her foot stomp on the tile floor. And her footsteps disappear towards the living room.

It's even better for that bitch, because if she says something while i'm cooking, maybe a frying pan will be in her pretty face.

I washed the cutting board and started cutting the required vegetables on it, but my hand stopped when I heard something. It's her voice. It was heard from the living room. It was like she was talking to someone on the phone.

I'm not usually one to poke my nose into other people's gossip but I couldn't help it when I heard my name. Not exactly my name, rather the name of the worker.

Anyway, I know she means me, so I put my ear to her conversation.

"You know, he even sent a maid for me." I heard her happily declare.

I rolled my eyes. That means she doesn't know that I come to cook for him every day anyway. She thinks that he sent me here especially today only for her. stupid woman

However, her calling me a Maid caused my blood to boil.

"He really is in love with me, Anna. I can feel it." She said again to the other party.

I scoffed at that. The same man she was referring to slept with me that night. Love, my ass.

I didn't waste time listening to the rest of her blabbering, instead I quickly finished cooking the rice and meat.

Taking off the apron and smashing it mercilessly on the counter, I made my way to the living room, slinging the bag over my shoulder.

As soon as I entered, I saw the woman lying on the couch in the living room watching TV. Her back is leaning against one arm rest and her legs are spread over the other arm rest of the sofa, a piece of her brown dyed hair falls on her chest and she carelessly plays with it with her index finger and thumb.

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