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It's been half an hour since you hung up but Nora is still looking at the phone waiting for a call from you again.

Her hands are shaking, she often glances at the big time clock hanging on the wall in front of her.

It was more than two hours until her mother finished work, and the fear that Joseph would return before then shook her whole body.

She got up from the tattered old sofa and walked towards her room, she slowly opened the door of the room and peeked her head in, a sigh escaped her mouth,Seeing the two-year-old baby sleeping soundly on her bed surrounded by pillows , not knowing anything happening in this world.

How much Nora wishes she could go back to that time, to the childhood, to the time when she and her sister were happy together, to the time when her father was still alive, she remembers how when she was a child, she and her sister spent every Sunday with their father. Go to the park and eat ice cream.

at night, mother prepares their favorite food, her father tells them stories about his experiences in the war, and they listen with wide eyes.

It was very beautiful at that time.

They were very happy, they were a very happy family, but with the loss of their father, all of that is gone, it hurts to remember that the beautiful past will not come back, especially that their father will not come back.

He is a good father, above all he is an excellent citizen, who decided to risk his life for the country. Even though your mother blamed him after his death, saying that he selfishly left all the responsibilities of you two on her, nora and you know that he did not do it willingly.

After dad passed away, mom worked hard to raise you two, no doubt about it.

That's why Nora didn't object to her mother finding Joseph and allowed him to come into her life without knowing how much of an asshole he is.

Nora had at least some hope that Joseph would be a good father figure to them with the way he behaved in the first days of his arrival here, but it was all just a show to win mother's trust.

Nora has no one to talk to about these issues, even if Lucy is there, she is not fit to say these things. So she doesn't know anything other than telling you, she knows that you are not just chilling in seoul, you are working hard for both of them. So she doesn't want to bother you and put you under pressure.

Nora closed the door slowly again, careful not to wake the baby.

As she turned to go back to the living room, she heard someone knocking on the main door, her heart dropped, it was Joseph.No one else is coming at this time except him, and Lucy is not in town.

She knows that Joseph must be drunk by now, she locked the door as you said, if she opens the door now, she doesn't want to think what kind of thing he will do to her.She swallowed, she felt herself stiffen there, she didn't dare to take a single step towards the door, but her scared face was confused when she heard another voice.

"Nora? Nora , it's me Felix, are you there?" Nora heard that familiar but not often heard deep voice.


What is he doing here?

As soon as Nora opened the door, she met the freckled boy smiling at her."Oh, felix?" She asked, he was wearing a white plain t shirt and denim pants.

Nora suddenly felt embarrass that she appeared in front of him with the night dress she wore last night, but she didn't show it on her face.And most of all, she didn't expect a visitor all of a sudden.

"Sarah noona said you were home alone and asked me to check on you." He said scratching the back of his neck, he was looking everywhere but at her.

As the realization hit Nora, she understood the idea of her sister saying 'I will do something' for her. Nora smiled at Felix, "Come in" and he accepted her invitation and came in with her.

Nora motioned for him to sit on the sofa and she sat on the other end as Felix sat down.

He looked around before turning to her, "Where's taehyun?" He asked and Nora looked at him.His deep voice always amazes her, it doesn't match his pretty face at all.

"Ah, he's asleep." She replied, He nodded.

There is silence in the air, and neither of them seems ready to break it. Although both Nora and Felix live in the same town, they rarely talk to each other like this. So both really don't know what to say and to be honest the silence is really awkward.

But the silence was suddenly broken when they heard someone banging loudly on the door.

"Nora, baby~ open the door~" They heard Joseph's drunken voice, Nora froze. Felix saw how Joseph's voice made Nora's hands on her lap tremble, but Felix really had no idea why she was scared. Joseph is her step dad, right?


"Sara, are you okay?" Your attention was drawn from your phone to Mrs Lee who is sitting in front of you.

"Ah, yeah." You put the phone on the table and picked up the fork, ready to eat.

"Looks like you were lost somewhere, is something wrong? You look tense." she asked again. You smiled at her, it didn't reach your eyes, you couldn't tell her you were waiting for a call from Felix to see if your sister was okay. That information cannot be shared with her.It will be too much.

"It's nothing like that, I couldn't sleep well last night, I'm a little tired." You somehow made up a lie.

"Oh, god , Don't stress too much, I don't want my subordinates to be stressed, it's not healthy." She said softly , grabbing your hand on the table, her kind smile comforting you a little. You smiled at her, nodding.

"You sais you wanted to tell me something earlier?" You asked, remembering why you came out to lunch with Mrs. Lee.
Mrs. Lee's eyes widened as the realization hit.

"Ah, right, I forgot," she let out a short laugh , tapping her forehead a little for her short memory, "I just wanted to say that you'll be going abroad next week, no date set yet."

"Abroad?" You asked again, swallowing your food.

"Yes, maybe it will be Canada, V has to attend an event there and will be there for at least three days.I will inform you after confirming the date." Her words dropped your heart, three days? You were thinking of taking a leave next week to visit Nora, but now with this work, it won't be possible.

"Sara, you don't have a problem with that, do you?" She asked in a low voice, a touch of concern lingering there, you nodded and smiled.

"No, no, it's my job" you said, yes, it's your job, you can't mix your personal life and professional life, you value this job very much, this job is the only hope to save Nora from that hell.She smiled at you before began to eat again.

You can't help but keep your eyes on your phone waiting for a call from Felix.

A/n : Joseph is the main asshole in this story.

Thanks for reading!

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