|| 01. || colour palette

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Annika frowned as she went through the lipstick colors, she rummaged through the stash; her hands stopping at the red and magenta shades. She needed to test them.

She heard the shuffling of the sheets.

She turned around. Shivaay was sound asleep on the bed. She smiled mischievously.

Putting on the matte magenta shade that she picked after testing the colours, she exited the room.

Hour later Shivaay walked into the hall. Everyone turned to look at him, he blinked as they all burst out laughing.

"Guys? What happened?" He asked confused, Annika blinked looking around nervously. He frowned suspiciously.

"Nothing, just you being the color palette. Suits you." Om answered smoothly as he pointed to Shivaay's arm.

Shivaay looked at his arm and his eyes widened. It was colored in different lipstick shades from lighter pinks to the vibrant reds, he turned to glare at the culprit.



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