|| 29. || Trouble Makers

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Annika watched open mouthed as Shivaay nearly slipped off the window sill. "Are you alright?" She asked as peeked over the railings. He shot her a glare.

"Tell me again, why are we doing this?" Shivaay spoke as he leaned down to see what the rival team was doing.

"You know this isn't going to work, because from here I can't see anything but there heads." He spoks, and Annika sighed in exasperation. She extended her arms to pull him back on the terrace.

She might have miscalculated his weight as they both stumbled on the ground with her in top of him. He groaned.

"Are you injured?" She asked as she pried his arms of his shoulder. He looked at her, "No, I was just practising for the drama classes. Of course I am!" He spoke out sarcastically.

"We need to get to the infirmary." And another groan.

"No, we do not. I might have a pain spray in my bag." She didn't look fazed at the statement.

"Medicine shop." She muttered and he looked at her indignant. "I like to be prepared." He defended himself.

"We are going to the infirmary!"


"Would you rather stay holding your shoulder for the rest of the day?" She asked.

Shivaay looked at his girlfriend, debating his options before nodding his head along.

"This is all because of you!" Annika groaned at the statement as she made her way towards the infirmary. Shivaay frowned at his girlfriend, his gaze accusing, "Excuse me it was your idea-" he shut his mouth when he saw her glare.

The infirmary was empty. Annika wrung her hand in frustration, but a grunt of pain caught her attention. Shivaay was rubbing the injured spot on his shoulder, his face scrunched up from the pain.

"Are you- nevermind that." She rushed to his side. "Where are you hurt?" She asked as she unbuttoned his shirt. Shivaay stopped.

"What are you doing?" He asked suddenly. They were standing in the middle of the infirmary where anyone could walk in and might interpret something else.

Annika frowned, "Unbuttoning your shirt" she paused her features coloring, "to see the injury." She added after a beat.

"From what I remember from the last time you preferred them ripped off?" He asked grinning.

"Focus." And she hit him on the arm.


Another smack.

"Hey watch it! I am injured." He protested shielding himself away.

"You deserved it."

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