39. | Silence

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Annika paced back and forth around the room. Muttering the speech under her breath, perfecting it, as she can't afford any mistakes, she was the valedictorian and as per the rules she was ought to give a speech. The ceremony was one week ahead.

Shivaay winced as he followed his girlfriend's movements exasperated. He was definitely going to snap his neck if he kept following her movements. "Shaant ho jaao Anni-" he stopped short when her glare turned to him.

He was tired. He had an important meeting tomorrow. And if things went like this he is definitely not getting sleep tonight. He got up from the chair and hugged Annika. She froze for a second before her arms went around his neck and she smiled when he embraced her.

"I know you are nervous about it, love. But trust me. You are going to do absolutely fine. You are the most beautiful and charismatic woman I have encountered in my life." She smiled at his words. How did he always manage to calm her down. He continued. "I love your voice, I really do." She frowned at that. Um, where was this going? "But right now I am craving the silence a bit more. And it's night and we both need sleep, right?" He spoke sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

And instead of her smile, he found himself being greeted by water drenching his face. Not again. He groaned as he wiped his face with his handkerchief. He opened his eyes to see his girlfriend smiling at him smugly as she placed the now half filled glass, down.

"You deserved it." She replied coolly.

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