31. | Power cut

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[background ;; there was a powercut in the Mansion]

[background ;; there was a powercut in the Mansion]

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Shivaay opened his eyes. It was an eerie silence that greeted him. The room was dark. Lights were out. He didn't know what woke him up this time. He turned to his side with his eyes closed.

Goosebumps erupted on his skin. Like someone was watching him. There was an eerie feeling. He tensed. He grew alarmed.

He peeked his eyes open and his heart nearly reached his throat.

Wide eyes were staring at him. Hair was on falling on the face and the lips were streched in a creepy grin.

He sprang backwards. Laughter filled the room as Annika nearly doubled over.

Shivaay rolled his eyes.


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Changed....the name of the book :)

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