32. | In His Shoes

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[background ;; Little Shivaansh always takes everything quite literally.]


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Quite sniffles filled the room. Shivaay felt his heart aching at those sniffles. He didn't mean to scold him but when he saw him standing at that ladder without any support fear became the best of him.

He took a seat beside his son. Annika watching from the doorway with a small smile. She knew Shivaay will handle it. He was a brilliant father. Though today they both had a fright when they saw their five year old climbing the ladder. The house was being renovated and the ladder must have been left by some worker. Shivaay had literally fired them for being this careless.

And Shivaansh got a stern scolding as well. It wasn't much except for his narrowed eyes. But considering that he has never seen Shivaay angry he felt he got scolded and now was sniffling in his room.

"Ansh, I'm sorry my prince. Dada is really." Shivaay said holding his ears in front of the child. Shivaansh looked at him through the corners of his pretending that he didn't see him, though he did crawl into his arms. "You would have done the same if you had been in my shoes." Shivaay spoke. Though they made up after a while. Shivaansh couldn't help but ponder over his father's words.

The next morning the family watched amused as Shivaansh marched around the mansion wearing his father's shoes. Well which were highly oversized on his tiny feet. He walked in front of his father. Shivaay raised his eyebrows at his mini form.

"I still wouldn't have scolded me wearing these shoes." And Shivaay face palmed.

Not a drabble but it kind of struck up suddenly

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Not a drabble but it kind of struck up suddenly.

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