|| Pretty Lies 2 ||

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"Since we are being civil to each other" her voice made him look up from the presentation file that he had been analysing.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

The words took him by surprise.

There was nothing but genuine curiosity in her eyes. Shivaay turned to look at her, and for the first time ever since she had known him she could read his eyes.

He looked troubled.

"I don't hate you." He spoke averting her gaze.

"Your actions and words say otherwise." She spoke.

"It was reciprocated, wasn't it?" He asked as he placed the laptop aside.

"That's not the answer I am looking for." She spoke her eyes boring into his.

"Then what it could be?" He asked, his eyes gazing into hers.

"Something that you have been hiding?" She shrugged.

He looked at her, his lips parting slightly before he looked away without any other word.

"Won't you say something?" She asked as she turned to look at him.

"I already said what you wanted to know, is there anything more that you'd like me to add?" He asked as he turned to look at tilting his head to the side.

"Yes." Her tone was defiant as she turned to look at him. Her eyes dropping to his lips for a moment. His lips parted in shock.

In the twelve years of knowing each other they were finally letting out what they have kept hidden from the other.

"What?" He asked, as he got up from his chair and walked over to her, where she stood.

"The truth."

"I was telling the truth." He admitted softly, his hands hovering right over her cheek. But he didn't dare to cross the boundaries that they had set for themselves.

"I don't hate you, Annika." He spoke, his voice deep and earnest. "In fact, the opposite is true." Her eyes widened.

"Had it not been our families, our stature, these complications" he spoke trailing off in the middle of the sentence.

"Love was the most beautiful and tragic emotion that I have ever experienced. And still do." He spoke, his breath mixing with her own as he leaned forward.

"You are the best thing that happened to me." He spoke, she could see the traces of tears in those eyes, the only time she had seen them was that night.

"I broke that day, Annika." He spoke and his hands dropped to his sides. "Into pieces."

"I could never be privileged enough to love you." He admitted, "Hate came the easy way."

She felt his shoulder brushing as he stormed out of the room.

And she was left alone. Again.

[ Another teaser hehe, I might start drafting it as well today itself ]

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