|| Teaser - Across The Bridge ||

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He paused as someone else pulled a seat across from him, the girl, looked at him apologetically.

"Can I take a seat?" She asked as she looked around. "I'm sorry, everywhere else is full and I am really really hungry. I was supposed to be here with my friends and they couldn't come because of an emergency." She pleaded as she glanced around for the waitress.

"And I have told her that I am with you." She whispered.

His eyebrows almost reached his hairline, he glanced around, it was packed. Even the VIP section.

Shivaay was surprised, "yes, of course." He said. She passed him a sweet smile and took a seat opposite him.

"I'm so sorry, for disturbing your dinner." She said apologetically, Shivaay shook his head with a smile, "it's quite alright, as unexpected it is, it's not a trouble, really." He uttered softly.

Her eyes twinkled when she smiled back. She was happy that he didn't mind, she didn't want to stand in the long line again, hence she decided to test her luck.

And it turned out to be the best unexpected dinner date she'd ever had.

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