|| 43. || How Are You?

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"Shivaay, have you called Ani?" Annika asked as she looked up from the tabloids that she was looking through, Shivaay hummed and looked up from the book that he was reading.

It was a Sunday morning and they were relaxing, they were happy and contented. Except, Shivani had left for her college earlier this year.

"I miss them." Shivaay spoke suddenly making Annika look up, he had a melancholic smile on his face. Though Shivaansh called regularly, Shivani didn't do as much.

"Then why don't you call her?" Annika smiled softly at that. Shivaansh had just called this morning to tell them how his day had been going.

He nodded and placed the call and put it on speaker, the call rang for a moment before Shivani picked up.

"Hey dad..." Came her quiet voice, and they knew something was wrong. But they knew better than to push it, he will tell them when he feels ready.

Shivaay smiled softly, much like his younger self and her mother, their daughter had a habit of holding it to herself, but he knew when to intervene. "How are you, bachche?"

There was silence for some time. Then a sniffle, a quiet one.

"Dad..." A whimper resonated through the speaker of the phone.

"I am here, bachche..." He spoke once again.

"I can't do this..." And the soft sniffles turned it into sobs. "I miss you....I miss mom....bhaiya..."

It took an hour of his crooning to reduce her sobs into sniffles.

"And tell you what, I am booking tickets to London, right now." He spoke.

"Really?" Came a weak voice from the other side.

"We will be there, my love. Now don't you cry." Annika spoke.

"Now, chin up bachche." Shivaay chuckled as the same sound was reciprocated on the other side.

A few minutes later, Shivaansh got a call to inform that his ticket had been booked to London. He didn't need to be told the reason.


Shivaay and Annika had watched their children grow up. No one can tell me otherwise. I refuse to believe how it ended

Ps. Pretty Lies is out now. :D

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