09. | Closer

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[ background ;; (pre-redux, off-track) Annika was just telling Mallika about the film she just watched. ]


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"—and then they got this close." Annika said bringing her hands closure.

Mallika sighed hearing Annika's words. She has been going on about this very particular scene from the movie for minutes now. She perked up seeing her old friend approaching them. Annika hadn't noticed him till now.

Shivaay walked till he was standing right behind Annika.

He raised his eyebrows watching her talk animatedly, his eyes twinkled with amusement.

'How cute' He thought as he watched her attentively. Mallika excused herself to give them privacy. Annika frowned when Mallika excused herself, she turned around and found herself face to face with her husband. She blushed and backed away, but the hands on her waist stopped her.

She was pulled flush against him. "Why don't we try the scene you just described ourselves and then hear your perception, what say?" She blushed as he leaned in to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

Hehe, don't know why my mind is so full of words right now it's as if I don't write them I will forget

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Hehe, don't know why my mind is so full of words right now it's as if I don't write them I will forget.

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