19. | Hearts

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Annika was in rush. She closed the door of her dorm and raced to the class.

Once seated in the class, she sneaked a look of her phone. A smile took upon her features when she saw the last message sent by Shivaay. It was just a sweet message accompanied with three hearts. Typing the response quickly, she pocketed the phone afterwards.

Shivaay smiled seeing the reply but his eyebrows soon furrowed.

Two hearts?

Was she mad at him?

Annika reached her dorm late in the evening. It has been a busy day for her. She slumped down her bed the first thing and fell asleep.

The next morning she awoke to persistent knocking on her door, she had the attention of all the girls that she shared the dorm with, they were glaring at her. Her eyes took in the sight of the corridor covered in the bouquets and they widened.

There was a note in each of them. It was handwritten and by Shivaay, she knew that by the handwriting. Her heart fluttered when she read the message, though she wondered why he was saying sorry?

'I am sorry, Ani. I love you' and little hearts doodled around the cards.

She was falling again and again.


I kind of wanted her pov as well

Getting the hang of writing fluff again, just noticed how my books have turned depressing so will be compensating here ;-;

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